Should Schools Have Dress Codes

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Why schools should have dress code 3 page summary
For students it can be Less of a distraction for students so they can concentrate on their studies. It can also promote a sense of security. With all of the trouble that comes with dress codes, many schools are opting for school uniforms. In fact, U.S. public schools with school uniforms increased from 13 percent to 19 percent from 2003 to 2012. But, like dress codes, not everyone is supportive of school uniforms, which also have advantages and disadvantages. Higher percentages of public city schools than public suburban schools require students to wear uniforms. Many public schools require a fairly enough dress code. Many are divided on the benefits of dress codes and school uniforms and whether they truly impact students, but with schools searching for better security methods in an effort to maintain control, dress codes are sometimes the smallest and easiest form of defense. While many may agree that the need or use of a dress code or school uniform is a great instrument in the school, there are just as many opposing factors. It has been proven that students who dress in uniforms have improved attention in class, participation in class and classroom attendance. Most students feel a relief that they are all dressed the same rather than being judged for not having the newest or trendiest clothing. This in turn can also reduce bullying for students who cannot afford higher cost or name brand clothing. Instead of focusing on outside influences (such as brand names on clothing, slogans on clothing, or revealing clothing), students are able to concentrate better and see each other more as equals.

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