Should Parents Be Held Responsible For The Use Of Social Media?

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According to Sam Fiorella in his article “cyber bullying, social media and parental
Responsibility“, bullying has become a much more pronounced thanks to the “growing
Popularity of social media” and that the parents of so called “cyber bullies” should be held
Responsible for providing their children with the means to torment others with the use of social
Media; he also states that children should not be allowed a “get out of jail free card” by being
Able to erase their mistakes on social media web sites and that their conversations should be
Monitored for hurtful behavior.

While I agree that parents should be held responsible for allowing their children unlimited access
To the internet and therefore social media, I do not agree with …show more content…

Did bullying not always exist? Peyton
Quinn once said “all cruelty comes from weakness” and that is true, no one is cruel for the sake
Of being cruel, wicked behavior stems from our insecurities and fears not from the knowledge
That we won’t get caught. Moreover, while unlimited access to social media is not healthy for
Anyone, not allowing children of this day and age access to the internet is like not allowing the
Children of fifty years ago the ability to go to the park and talk to their peers. Because while we
Don’t like it, social media sites like Facebook and Instagram are the way children of this time
Communicate with each other. Furthermore, doesn’t monitoring any conversation in anyway
Oppose our constitutional right for freedom of speech? If social media sites were able to scan
Every conversation or “post” and then remove anything that they might find offensive or hurtful
Wouldn’t it take away, at least to some extent, honesty? The internet would turn into a place of
Flowery lies and shallow compliments. And although I do understand that parents would like to
Keep their children away from all the cruelty in the world, they cannot stay sheltered

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