Should Kids Get Good Grade Essay For Kids

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Your child is behaving good and they are doing all the chores you have asked them to do. You reward them with money for all the hard work they have done. In school, they have really good grades and you give them 20 dollars at the end of each week. However, is it really necessary to reward your kid for something they should be doing already? Allowances have already made a major effect on how kids act and behave at home and at school, although, not all the effects have come out positive.

Some parents like to give their children allowances because they believe that it helps motivate them to do their chores. Knowing that they will be paid at the end of the week makes kids want to do their chores more. Then they can buy whatever they want with …show more content…

If your kid got an A on a really important test, you feel really proud of them. They worked really hard to prepare and study that sometimes you think they deserve something back. School can be very stressful so knowing that your kid has good grades shows that they are working really hard to have a good education. If your child does not like school and is getting poor grades, you want to find a way to get him to do better so they can have a brighter future. Paying them will make them want to work harder because they will know that they will be getting something in the …show more content…

Children might start thinking that they deserve a raise for all the work they are doing. They will stop thinking it is a privilege but more as a requirement. Also, since the money they earn is theirs, they might start buying a lot of useless objects that parents think they shouldn’t have. Parents will no longer have control over what they buy because it will be their money. Sometimes kids might buy something that could be dangerous or unhealthy for them. Moreover, if the kid has not learned the responsibility of money, they might lose their allowance and then parents will be wasting the money they worked hard for from their job. As they get older and they have a part time job, they might not want to do their chores anymore because they will stop relying on their chores for money. Parents will have to start doing all their children’s chores because they will start thinking it is pointless to do them if they are already earning money without them.

On the other hand, parents who think that rewarding kids with money for good grades might not be very helpful. If you worked hard on an assignment and get an A, the reward should be the grade. Paying kids for their grades could be a waste because that money could have helped save money for college. Then, the parents will also have to find out how much money their kid will receive. The kid might think that they deserve a lot of money for the grades

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