Should Kids Be Adults Essay

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When should your kids or you be considering an adult? When you are a teenager, your brain hasn’t developed fully and you don’t know right or wrong yet. The scientists argue that your brain doesn’t fully develop until early 20s and mid-20s, so you don’t really become an adult until 25 years old. The scientists have been arguing when kids become adults, because the brain doesn’t fully develop around 25 years old.
Children are the future, so we have to make sure they learn right from wrong and be mature. The scientists have been observing how the kids have been changing over the years and when the kids become adults. “Researchers and observers have noted that while our children are getting brighter (I.Q. scores have been going up for two decades), they are relatively immature for their ages in comparison to earlier generations. “The researchers notice that the kids have gotten more immature since older generations, so they are worried if they don’t get the children acting more mature the future of the economy will go down. Do the children now really want to be known for being immature compared to older generations, if not they need to make a change both the child and the parent. …show more content…

Adults have been leaning towards making the age limit higher to get a license, since teens are becoming more and more immature. Also it is the driving class, they do not test real road situations so some teens don’t know what to do and an accident happens. “The first problem is the utter inadequacy of our driver training. “Some adults think that the driving class is not teaching teens everything they need to know, they only learn the beginning stuff. So teens need to prove the people wrong by showing that they know how to operate vehicles on the

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