Age Of Responsibility Essay

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What is the Age of Responsibility?

I think that the age of adulthood can vary because everyone's maturity level develops at different rates and maturity can range at a certain ages. I do not believe there is one specific age at which you cross the ultimate barrier, adolescence into adulthood. So is there really a definite age of responsibility?
The government itself sends such confusing hypocritical messages to teens. The fact that you can buy a car practically from the time you have your license at age 16 before you can rent one at age 25. You can fight in a war at age 18, but you can't go into a bar until age 21. Isn’t it so ironic that you can work in that very bar before you can even drink in it, in some states. The government's definition of responsible is so inconsistent, you could see this at any age. See that logically, it just doesn't make sense. Lawmakers can't even make up their mind about which age you truly become an adult or are responsible enough to partake in mature activities. Once again, these policies are appalling for reasons that they treat people who are adults in other senses like children. …show more content…

Just let that sink in, a 10 year old kid is responsible enough to take on college almost a decade before most do. Plenty of dropouts and the normal college graduates have ran back to mom and dad's house to extend their adolescence, put off responsibility and “delay adulthood” (Greenblatt 20).This shows that this type of situation should be judged case by case because everyone is different. A big majority of you maturity has a lot to do with how you were raised and what type of household you grew up in. Some parents assign children responsibilities of doing chores and other activities at young ages but other kids are never expected to do such things which practically feeds into them not maturing and becoming

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