Should English Be The Only Language Spoken

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Todays generation has a lot of diversity going on. Meaning a lot of cultures, attitudes, beliefs, religions, and most importantly languages going around. Many people think all around the world english should be the main and only language spoken; in this case it could be argued form both sides, Yes it should and no it shouldn't.

Many people think all around the world english should be the main and only language spoken; in this case it could be argued form both sides, Yes it should and no it shouldn't. We'll start off with why it should be the only language spoken. Making English the official language would encourage new migrants to learn the language of the country they have adopted as theirs. The end goal is to unite the American people, while improving the lives of immigrants and native-born inhabitants. official English would save billions in federal spending. The direct cost of translators and bilingual education alone are billions, and many of these costs are born by local governments. In this conclusion with everyone speaking english we would save billions of dollars for many things. …show more content…

No, english shouldn't be the only language spoken because different languages make us who we are as people. we come from many cultures where the diversity of languages and cultures mean everything to people and if that was stripped away from them not much would be left. With the diversity in the world it completes many jobs and lives. Many languages are spoken and honestly it's quite beautiful. So no english shouldn't be the only language spoken because the diversity we have been given makes a beautiful

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