Should Child Soldiers Get Amnesty Essay

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Everyday hundreds and thousands of people are dying and getting harmed in one way or another. What people don’t know is that these acts are coming from a minor, not even an adult. Becoming a child soldier is very risky and will change a life forever. Child soldiers are children that are illegally in war, yet doing vicious acts of crime. There has been a major debate going on for quite some time between those who think child soldiers should or should not get amnesty. Those who think they should not get amnesty often think prosecution is best. Child soldiers should not get amnesty. Most child soldiers choose to go into war, making it their responsibility because of their own actions. Also, the prosecution process helps end the problem, and child soldiers are not much different than child criminals.
One reason why child soldiers should not get amnesty is because they are not always dictated into going to war. In fact, some soldiers want to avenge their dead family members. In the article, “Child Soldiers Victim or Perpetrator” it states, “Children often become child soldiers in acts of patriotism and in want to avenge the deaths of their family members. Furthermore, it would be false to proclaim that all child …show more content…

They do the same unacceptable action, maybe even more wicked. In “Child Soldiers should be prosecuted” it says, “In Sierra Leone child soldiers committed acts of rape, mutilation, and mass killings of victims.” These are the things child criminals preform. Which make their actions similar. In the same article, “Child Soldiers should be prosecuted” it states, “if a child can be convicted for murder under national law, they should be responsible for crimes.” This is very true because child soldiers and child criminals are not that different, so the circumstances should be the same with both. Child soldiers should not get an

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