Shortage Of Women In STEM

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42% of STEM degrees are handed out to Women.
46.9% of the workforce is made up of Women
And 23% of Women make up the STEM task force.

What does that mean then?
It means that 77% of the STEM task force is made up of men, yet 42%, close to half, of STEM degrees are handed out to Women.
So the question is why is there a shortage of women in the STEM fields? And what’s happening to all the women with STEM degrees?
Litriture has many opinons on this matter, and though all of them are valid opinons and facts this Litreiture Review will be adressing the sub-questions of “How is education impacting the shortage of women in STEM?”, and “How is Gender Bias Impacting the Shortage of Women in STEM?”. How these questions were adressed was through the overview and analyzation of multiple articles. One of these articles is from The University of Delaware, called “Gender Bias, Sterotypes, and STEM”, and their opinion on this matter was that Women leave STEM because of Gender Bias and Stereotypes. This was a statment also said by Science News. Yet another Author that is featured in this article was Kenneth Corbin, and compared to Science new and Univeristy of Deleware he said that “Early STEM Education Will Lead to More Women into IT.”

Literature Review
Acorrding to Science News is that Gender bias drives women from STEM, not family. This article talked baout how gender bariers, such as sterotypes drove women from STEM. And how many enter STEM then rapidly quit it afterwards. Another topic that was talked about was how women had kids then left STEM, soon to work a un-STEM related job. Another problem was that also many women left STEM before they even cocived children. So in conclusion women are being driven from STEM and further ...

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And the final question that these authours thought up was “Why should should we do anything about it?”. In the end to find these awensers these two authours had to think in a deeper context which did not include the internet. But in the ends these Authours found this to be the awenser. People shoul do somthing about it because one day a girl might discover the cure to a important deises, virus, syndrom, or genetic disorder. Another reason that was found was that people should do somehting about this issue because all people deserve oppertunites to do persue their intrests. And if people can help others achieve those personal goals it would create a much happier peaceful world. And the finla opion on this matter is that people should do somthing about girls in STEM because girls are acedemically equal to boys in the feilds of STEM.


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