Sexual Orientation Section Review

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Section Review 6: Dimensions of Sexual Orientation
A.) Summary and Reaction
The sixth section is about the importance of sexual orientation and respecting these differences in our society. Sexual orientation is a very personal preference and is based on a sexual and/or emotional attraction to another person. This concept can be somewhat confusing for some people in this section discussed. There is a difference between sexual orientation, biological sex, and gender identity. This section also emphasizes that gender is a socially constructed cultural norm and that sexual orientation is not a dichotomous variable. Many people believe you can only be straight or gay (e.g. heterosexual or homosexual), but there are various levels of bisexuality on the sexual orientation continuum. For example, some people are more interested in one sex, but still are open to both. Also, some people can identify as pansexual meaning that they are not limiting themselves to one sexual choice and love all people no matter what sexual orientation, biological sex, and gender identity that the individual may be (e.g. they move along the continuum). This section did a nice job in explaining all the factors to consider when looking at sexual orientation, biological sex, and gender identity differences.

B.) Application …show more content…

It also helps me to see the historical changes over time and the lack of full consensus in this area. It has helped me to be more competent in handling clients who may fall into one of these sexual dimensions. More specifically, it has made me think more about the intersectionality of gay/lesbian identity as a minority in our society. Along with thinking about the rates of depression and anxiety of these individuals due to their struggles with their own sexuality and acceptance of those close to

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