Born Gay: Truth and Circumstances.

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For years homosexuality in the United States of America has been looked down upon by citizens, religions, and even politicians. The homosexual culture, or the LGBT (Lesbian Gay Bisexual Transgender), has been demoralized and stuck out and lashed against by the Heterosexual community time and time again. To better understand the LGBT community we must first grasp the concept of Sexual Orientation. Sexual orientation is a term used to describe a person’s physical, sexual, and romantic attraction to another person, whether they be Male or Female. The term is relatively new and the idea of having a homosexual identity has only been around for one-hundred years at the most (APA). To look at what causes homosexuality, one must look back through history at different points in time, for example Homosexual acts occur naturally in nature and appear all over history. No one knows for sure what causes homosexuality or if there is a choice in sexual orientation at all. Scientific studies have furthered no evidence in supporting the idea of altering Sexual Orientation or choosing in what sexual acts you enjoy ruling out any possibility of Homosexuality being a choice. No link to psychopathy or family distress to homosexuality has been found, and all studies point to birth regarding sexual orientation at birth rather than during adolescence (APA). Most scientists and psychologists believe that homosexuality is caused by a gene determined at birth much like your hair, skin, and eye color are determined, meaning homosexuality is not a choice and is no more a choice than choosing your skin color. Studies known as adoption studies show that sexual preference is genetic by adopting a young infant child and placing them in either a homosexual or h... ... middle of paper ... ... Gene' Is Homosexuality Inherited." N.p.. Web. 10 Apr 2014. Littrell, Nereida. "Sigmund Freud's concept of bisexuality." . N.p., 17 march 2012. Web. 10 Apr 2014. Malory, Marcia. "Homosexuality & Choice: Are Gay People 'Born This Way’." . N.p., 25 Oct 2012. Web. 10 Apr 2014. Miller, Katharine. "The myth buster." . N.p., 11 Feb 2011. Web. 9 Apr 2014. Tori, DeAngelis. "New data on Lesbian, Gay, and Bisexual Mental Health." . N.p., 12 february 2002. Web. 9 Apr 2014. Whitehead, N.E.. "Homosexuality and Mental Health Problems." . N.p.. Web. 9 Apr 2014.

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