Homosexual Orientation

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My thesis is whether homosexual orientationis something genetic or something envirmental.There are two main theories as to what causes homosexual attractions. One is that a homosexual orientation is prmarily dictated by genetic and or biological factors This that people being said people are “born gay.” The other theory is that homosexual desirability develops as a result of psychological and environmental influences and experiences as children. Researchers have provided evidence that gay men report having had less loving and more rejecting fathers, and closer relationships with their mothers, than non-gay men.One study reported that homosexual males reported more positive early relationships with mothers than did homosexual females(Ridge …show more content…

Lead author of the study, Alan Sanders, however, states that "complex traits such as sexual orientation depend on multiple factors, both environmental and genetic."] A region on the X chromosome called Xq28, was originally identified in 1993 by Dean Hamer of the US National Institutes of Health in Bethesda, …show more content…

It is possible that genetic influence could operate on the pathway from attraction to behavior (Schumm, Walter R. November 2010).One study in the Journal of the American Medical Association reported that "Abused adolescents, particularly those victimized by males, were up to 7 times more likely to self-identify as gay or bisexual than peers who had not been abused". However, the study went on to state that victims may self-identify as gay or bisexual before the abuse occurs, implying that their non-heterosexual orientation and identity is not caused by the abuse, and reported that no longitudinal study had determined a causal relationship between sexual abuse and sexual orientationIn a 30-year longitudinal study published in the Archives of Sexual Behavior, although the authors found that men with histories of childhood sexual abuse were more likely to report ever having had same-sex sexual partners, they did not find any "significant relationships between childhood physical abuse or neglect and same-sex sexual orientation in adulthood"; neither men nor women with histories of childhood physical abuse, sexual abuse, or neglect reported more same-sex sexual partners in the previous year or same-sex romantic cohabitation compared to men and women without such

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