Sexual Objectification Of Women On Social Media

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Women who objectify themselves on social media for free Women who are perpetuating their own sexual objectification through the most popular social media networks don't get paid to do so, still they take part in the trend of portraying their self image and their bodies as the thing that sells it all “sex”. Sexual objectification is the act of treating a person as an instrument of sexual pleasure, treating a person as a comodity or an object without regard to their personality or dignity. The obsession of being glorified for what you wear, what brands, what makeup you use, what makes you look “sexy” or “hot” has driven women to go far beyond their means to take that perfect “selfie” that is going to get the most “Likes” on social media. Web …show more content…

These advertizements are broadcast through television programs, music, fashion magazines, and social networking sites. The female body is continuously exploited in their advertisement ads in order to attract attention to the product, cause controversy, and ultimately make money. One company of many who objectifies women is American Appeal. Their advertisements are as sexual as can be where women wear only pants and no shirt, making it seem like it is accepted to walk around without a shirt. All of their ads always have women looking and promoting women as sex objects. On television almost all commercials have women either wearing little to no clothing or showing double entendre making it seem like it’s a sexual or both. Often times the focus of the advertisement ads are the breasts or buttocks of the female model because “sexuality” sells. The Carl’s Jr. commercials use model type women to promote their new food but what mostly stands out is the sexualized act of enjoying a burger. A burger, out of all things. By doing so these companies are intentionally erasing the individual and make it seem as if women are simply an object of pleasure. These companies are not only selling a product such as a burger, beer, clothing or etc., they are selling consumers an unrealistic …show more content…

Both traditional and new media sources have been found to regularly focus on women’s appearance in a sexuallized way while ignoring women's personalities or take any consideration in any physical or psychological health risks that these ideas of beauty can trigger. For example the exposure to sexually objectifying can lead to young girls being overly selfconscious of their body and this can trigger disorders like anorexia, low self-esteem, obsessive behaviors to fit the norm. Their study showed that sexual objectification of women has been shown to the trigger self-objectification in men, women, and young girls including ages 5-9 years old. Another article in Psychology Today called “Do Women Want to be Objectified?” states that “even when objectification feels good, it can have negative effects, taking precious time and attention away from potentially more important tasks or goals…there is another problem with using self-objectification as an opportunity for a self-esteem boost. Beauty as our culture defines it, does not last forever” (Breines). This is another example of sexual objectification having negative consequences on society especially women and the perception of

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