Effects Of Social Media On Body Image

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Did You Like My Selfie: A Discussion of Social Media on Body Image The problem that I would like to discuss about, is how social media has a huge impact on what society believes people should look like and how people should be reaching the standards of attractiveness. Many people have social media accounts, like Instagram, Pinntrest, Facebook, Youtube, Snapchat,etc. which is fine to have, but some people that have these accounts might be more acceptable to developing body dissatisfaction that could lead people to develop eating disorders, low-self esteem, or even result in death, because they feel that they don’t reach society’s expectations of attractiveness. Social media is mainly used by adolescents or young adults that grew up to be …show more content…

Social media accounts have images or posts of how society excepts people to look like and some of those expectations are unrealistic! As a result, people that have body image issues have turned to unhealthy ways to deal with their body dissatisfactions. Body image issues don 't just affect adults,but children also go through the ordeal of developing body dissatisfaction. People turn to bulimia, anorexia, extreme diets, injecting steroids, or extreme exercising putting themselves and their bodies in harm. Some people feel that none of these methods work for them and that they are hopeless and have no one their to support them, which leads them to take their own …show more content…

I’d like to purpose some solutions that are based on the people that are affected with body image issues, and what people close to these victims can do to help them deal with their body images issues. People that are dealing with body image issues or low self-esteem should try to distance themselves from any type of social media program. Although these programs are addicting to interact with, if these social media programs are causing people to feel like they have body image issues or low self-esteem it maybe probably best to separate yourself form social media. Also Another idea that I would like to propose is promote wellness programs to help people dealing with body image issues, low self-esteem,eating disorders, or even suicideal thoughts realized that they do not need to achieve what social media or society defines as attractive.

Thesis: Social media has an affect negative affect on people, which lead them to develop body image issues, that leads to low self-esteem, eating disorders, or worse

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