Sexual Magnetism And Its Effects On Children

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One of the most damaging occurrences operating today subsists within the avalanche of sexual media that young children and teenagers have at their deposal, with basically no alternative other than lust to identify with. On average today, children are exposed to various sexual venues that illustrate sex as strikingly provocative and/or disrespectful and certainly lust driven; predictably this sexual magnetism persists as all they recognize or relate to. In addition, young people’s sexual acceptance usually develops through their peers and the status quo. The lack of healthy sexual guidance wreaks havoc on adolescents due to bullying, and sexual harassment that increases to a more critical level each year. Scores of tragic misfortunes continue, …show more content…

He related that the issue regarding ‘sex’ arose as basically taboo and the only education he received developed from his own experiences, talking with boys, adult magazines and such. Intrinsically, Tommy said his parents mainly dealt with sex as an issue to hide; whereby, he concluded, it had to be dirty or bad. In addition, Tommy overheard men joking concerning sex with other women (not their wives), along with other negative sexual comments. Due to this combination of such negativity, he confessed his sexual beliefs became overshadowed by feelings of shame, on one hand, and lust toward sexual ‘objects’ on the other. Clearly, if we fast forward this programming into Tommy’s world today, he stresses he usually looks toward all women with overwhelming lustful thoughts, void of any true love. Sadly, there survives scores of ‘Tommy Boys’ in an untold number of societies. Thus, a person becomes susceptible if they steadily expose themselves to lustful behavior through visual stimulation. Indeed, ‘sexual love’ within their inner world revolves around carnal lust (possibly since childhood). For the majority, Satan’s allure into its “religion of lust” proceeds as the only avenue that exists, with virtually nothing else to relate …show more content…

Furthermore, this lust inspired behavior inevitably persists as being never satisfied, (evolving into an unquenchable thirst that needs pristine stimulations to achieve a higher sexually attainment); with individuals emerging various times in need of a different partner to replace the jaded and lackluster of the old. Also, this ‘delusional healthy marriage’ shows how out of touch this couple became with real love’s truth. Indeed, an immense liability various people experiences, crops up through the ungodly actions of others; leading them on dead end activities. In fact, lust performs as Satan’s most evil and deceptive “calling card” into a person’s soul, with its shadowy manifestation, surfacing devilishly mysterious. How cunning the evil of this world deceives, trapping people into believing “any” sexual involvement dwells as ‘love or love making.’ Convincingly, the only realism found in this equation endures within the blinding bondage of lust; which mainly attacks the ignorant and inevitably overtime, fades into various elusive ‘shades of

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