Rhetorical analysis of "The Killer Instinct"

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"The Killer Instinct" is an article published in “A Monthly Journal of Religion & Public Life by Institute on Religion & Public Life" in January 2000. This journal, which started from 1998, contains various articles with opinions, arguments, debates and commentary on religious and moral questions, and social issues going in American society. Sally Thomas, a poet and a writer, argues in the article that it's the nature of boys who constructs them rough and not the toys that create them violent. She argues with various examples from her friends and even from her own experience throughout the article making clear sense of support to her argument. This article by Sally Thomas is a successful argument appealing toward its audience with a clear and strong use of reasoning, emotion and authority.
Thomas Sally's appeal to logic is the strongest persuasive proof to her argument. The motive for her use of reasoning is strong due to the explanation of suitable examples from her real-life experience on the subject. Thomas Sally explains, by reasoning, at the beginning paragraphs that a boy enjoys the warlike fascination of slashing & shooting and even punching if they do not find any tools or toys that shall fulfill their desire. Thomas Sally uses logos as, "We don't tell someone struggling with lust simply not to want sex; we don't tell a glutton that his problems will be solved if he stops being hungry” (Thomas 13). This clearly logical statement, provokes a matter of common sense among people which implies that restricting one from its problem is not the ultimate solution. The implication of her logical statement, makes us realize how being rough is in boy’s own nature as being sexually active is in someone with lust and being hungry is...

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... where the happiness and brightness of boys lie: in their nature to feel roughness and violence. This symbol of emotion at the end appeals to the rough and bold boys as in nature making them feel satisfied with happiness.
To summarize, the use of emotion, credibility and reasoning by Sally Thomas clearly and successfully argues that a boy is rough by nature and not violent given a war toy. The sequential use of reasoning, range of authority, and use of emotions in the article made the readers get into the character of a boy and truly understand the points Thomas was making. It is important to study the true cause and effects of violence on boys and act accordingly for fair and peaceful society. Thomas writes the article in order to make the readers realize the true fact behind the violence of boys so maybe people might make the right decision against the roughness.

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