Sex is a beautiful thing that happens between two people, but sometimes sex can become addictive, and like with any other addiction, it can ruin lives. Patricia is in her mid-thirties, and to those who know her, she is a soccer mom with a successful career. But after her marriage ended due to her husband’s affair, Patricia became insecure, and started exploring dating sites on the internet – soon, Patricia was going on dates, sex dates - and in an interview with the Philadelphia Weekly, she admits that she is addicted to sex, and there is a problem. The American Psychiatric Association and Diagnostic (APAD) and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (DSM-IV-TR) don’t recognize the abuse of sex as an addiction. Although not recognize as an addiction, the abuse of sex has the same qualities as drug addiction and should be recognized as a medical condition.
The APA has been unable to confirm whether sex addiction is an actual addiction or a compulsive disorder. It’s so undefined that some people think it’s a myth and is the product of cultural influences. Social media has to do with this; for one if a celebrity is caught having an affair a story is made in which he/she is automatically diagnosed as a sex addict. Also social media is to blame that sex addiction is not recognized by the APA or DSM-IV-TR. The reason for this is because they always “diagnose” celebrities just because they were caught having an affair. One example of this was Tiger Woods, when he was caught having an affair the media immediately rushed to cover the story and instantly said he was a sex addict. The reason why sex addiction is not taken seriously is the media summaries the person having an affair as a sex addict. A sex addict is just like a drug addict, ...
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...a sex addict. But they do think that the
Works Cited
Herkov, M. (2006). What Is Sexual Addiction?. Psych Central. Retrieved on March 16, 2014, from Philadelphia Weekly. News and Opinion. The Soccer Mom Sex Addict. Brian Hickey. Feb. 9, 2010
Salem Health. Addictions and Subtance Abuse. Sex addiction. Glenn Hutchison PhD Scott O.Lilie
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The Gale Encyclopedia of Mental Health Ed. Kristin Key. Vol. 2. 3rd ed. Detroit: Gale, 2012. p1397-1399. COPYRIGHT 2012 Gale, Cengage Learning Tish Davidson
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Some researchers believe sex addiction is not a disorder, but something that is excessively used. The internet has made everything so easy to access. Sex addiction is not even included in the category DSM-5. Based on the DSM-5 list of various disorders, the clinicians then decide whether an individual shows the characteristics of someone who has a psychological disorder. Maybe in the future, sexual addiction would have a chance to make it into a sub category of the DSM-5 instead of labeled in a single category alone. Sex addiction seems to become a problem when it is harming the family unit or the image of someone famous when it becomes headline news. We really do not know how many people suffer from this disorder. There has not been sufficient research about this, a situation which makes this topic very delicate. To some, the word addiction alone is without meaning. Most individuals that do suffer from this disorder do suffer from a chemical imbalance as well. A twelve-step program, self-help support groups, and individual counseling can be recommended for treatment. In recovery they will have to learn how to come to terms with their addiction and how to think differently if placed in certain scenarios. For example, they must live a life that does not put them in situations that may cause one to relapse. It is important to surround themselves around individuals that have
Sussman, S. (2010). Love addiction: definition, etiology, treatment. Sexual Addiction & Compulsivity, 17 (1), pp. 31--45.
What comes to mind when male and female sex drives are mentioned? The stereotype as stated by Roy F. Baumeister (2000) would be females have a lower sex drive then males. This statement tends to be accepted by most people in society as the standard, so why would looking into this question be important? Having a “standard” can be dangerous, because not everyone fits that standard. Thus, understanding the differences can show society what is normal, and how to change the standard that is accepted. Roy F. Baumeister at Case Western University, Alicia Barr at South Plains College, and many others sought to understand why do females have a lower sex drive.
Klein, Marty. America's War on Sex: the Continuing Attack on Law, Lust, and Liberty. 2nd ed. Santa Barbara, Calif.: Praeger, 2012. Print.
Sexual addiction is defined as any sexually-related, compulsive behavior which interferes with normal living and causes severe stress on family, friends and loved ones and one’s work environment.
Kahn, Ada P., and Jan Fawcett. The Encyclopedia of Mental Health. 2nd ed. New York: Facts On File, 2001.
Wedding, D., & Corsini, R. J. (Eds.). (2014). Current psychotherapies (10th ed.). Belmont, CA: Brooks/Cole, Cengage
The sex addiction test was created to help individuals identify whether or not they may have a sexual addiction. It can be difficult to identify these types of issues within ourselves, as our egos often get in the way. This test can be a great tool to help pinpoint what’s really going on.
The act of sex is one that has puzzled philosophers for centuries and for good reason. It is a complicated subject that has had many different definitions and parameters throughout history. Alan Goldman holds that “sexual desire is the desire for contact with another person’s body and for the pleasure which such contact produces; sexual activity is activity which tends to fulfill such desire of the agent” (Soble, 83). Greta Christina, through her many personal experiences and multiple re-examinations of her supposed sexual encounters, does not think she or anyone else can truly define what is sex (Christina, 26-30). In a different angle, Alan Soble has difficulty producing an accurate, all-encompassing definition of masturbation, despite six attempts (79-82). These three great minds, and many
According to the American Society for Addiction Medicine (ASAM), addiction is the pathological pursuit of “reward and/or relief by substance abuse or other behaviors” (2011). Many of whom suffer from sex addiction act out (sexually) in which they cannot control. They abuse this sexual compulsion to relieve that certain itch, similar to alcohol- to cope, to lower anxiety and inhibitions. However, the Diagnostic of Statistical Manual (DSM-V) does not include a category of diagnosis for sexual addiction because they believe this behavior does not exist. Seems rather political than medical. Studies and research on sexual addiction is relatively weak. There is no prevalent surveys of sex addiction (all while using validated addiction criteria) or research study on those who show up for treatment. Perhaps, many people are afraid to come forward to this addiction because it is shunned by society- some may be religious and do not want to be looked down upon, others may be embarrassed. The discussion of sex, pornography, masturbation, etc. is rarely spoken about ‘out loud’ because many people feel uncomfortable and are sensitive to this information. In order to be classified as a disorder, the DSM-V includes guidelines as to how it could be (APA
Kessler, Chiu . et. al."The Numbers Count: Mental Disorders in America."NIMH RSS. National Institute of Mental Health , n.d. Web. 23 Apr. 2014.
Idyllically, it is difficult to spot a person with a sexual addiction disorder from the outside. Thus, majority of them have developed a skill of hiding this behavior and addiction from their family members, spouses, and partners. They normally do this by lying about their various activities or taking part in them at places and times where they cannot be found. Nevertheless, there are times when symptoms are noticeable and present (Carnes & Adams,