Sexual Harassment in the Workplace

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Sexual Harassment has been very problematic issue in the workplaces. It occurs everywhere in the world. Throughout the history, many women have suffered from unsolicited sexual behaviors, usually provoked by their employers. However, according to the article" The Complicated World of Same Sex Sexual Harassment", found on the website:, the harasser can be of the same gender as the victim, and the victim can be also male or female. Truly it is against the Law as we learned in a Chapter four which talks about the managing diverse employees in a diverse environment. By reading this article, you'll se that there is a difference between same sex sexual harassment and sexual orientation harassment. The main topic of the article is the issue of having different understandings of what the offensive behavior is regarding to sexual harassment. As we mentioned in Chapter Four, in the United States, since 1964 the Law that protects sexually harassed employees has been placed on the statute. According to EEOC, "every unwelcome sexual advances or demand for sexual favors, and other verbal sex-related performs when this conduct affects individual's employment and work performance, or creates hostile and offensive work environment" (EEOC,, 2005). Therefore, it is a form of sex discrimination that exact violates "Title VII of the Civil Rights Act of 1964." There is two forms of sexual harassment: Quid Pro Quo - request or forcing the personell for sexual favors usually in order to keep the jo... ... middle of paper ... ...n sexual harassments and sexual orientation harassments References: The Complicated World of Same Sex Sexual Harassment (June, 2000). Retrieved April 10, 2005 from Gender or Sexual Harassment on the Job. Retrieved April 10, 2005 from Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (March 2, 2005). Retrieved April 10, 2005 from Racial Discrimination and Harassment. (2003). Retrieved April 10, 2005 from

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