Sexual Harassment at Work: Legal Issues

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Sexual Harassment This essay responds to the following prompts: 1. Define sexual harassment as the term is used legally. 2. Explain how sexual harassment differs from gender discrimination. 3. Provide the legal definition of "quid pro quo" (also known as "vicarious liability") sexual harassment. Provide one example of a behavior which could be found to be quid pro quo sexual harassment. 4. Provide the legal definition of hostile environment sexual harassment. Provide one example of a behavior which could be found to be hostile environment sexual harassment. 5. List the factors which contribute to a determination of whether behavior is sexual harassment. 6. Define the standard by which "unreasonable" behavior is determined. 7. Explain what situations are considered "severe or pervasive" and why these terms are important. 8. Give the main legal reason why every company should have a valid written policy against sexual harassment (besides the fact it is the "right" thing to do.) 1. Define sexual harassment as the term is used legally. According to legal dictionary (2013), sexual harassment refers to any form of unwelcome sexual behavior or advances, appeals for sexual errands, and other form of physical or verbal conduct or behavior that portrays sex nature and tends to make the working environment offensive or hostile. Any behavior or remarks that take such forms constitute sexual harassment when: Compliance to such conduct happens either implicitly or explicitly based on employment of an individual, rejection or compliance to such conduct is used to make decisions during employment and when such conduct interferes or affects performance of a person at the workplace. Sexual harassment ta... ... middle of paper ... (1990). The U.S. Equal Employment Opportunity Commission. Retrieved from (n.d). Legal Dictionary. Retrieved from http://legaldictionary.thefreedictionary ( n.d) Meritor Savings Bank v. Mechelle Vinson. Retrieved from (n.d). Preventing Sexual Harassment in the Workplace: Learn what sexual harassment is -- and how to prevent it. Retrieved from (n.d). Sex Harassment Law: university policy and procedures. Retrieved from (n.d). Stop violence against women. Retrieved from

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