Sex education is needs to be taught in our school to inform and teach the safety of sex. If you were to ask a student,” how are baby’s made”, the answer would be sex, but is that answer really true or is there much more to it. There is so much more that our high school students need to learn about sexual activity. If sex education was taught it could prevent teen pregnancy, disease, and safety. Although some parents do not want the children to be taught about sex at their age we can inform them what were teaching and maybe persuade them to agree.
In the U.S. only a few states allow schools to teach sex education. Only 22 states in America that are public school teach about sex education. Only 33 states require students receive instruction about HIV/AIDS. In our state (California) we do not require sex ed. to be taught. If a state does not require sex education to be taught that dosent mean a school cant teach it, it just need to follow the guidelines. Sex education allowed to be taught from K-12 but why are we not being taught. Why is that were required to learn about hiv/aids but not sex ed. Our students need to be taught
My personal thought is if sex education is taught we are able to lessen the chances of pregnancy. Each year almost 750,000 U.S. woman aged 15-19 become pregnant. That is about 7% or 68:1,000 woman each year. 3 out of 10 girls will pbe pregnant before there20 birthday. After age 15 is when the pregnancies are more common, so that will be a good age to teach about sex education. 82 % of teen pregnancies are unplanned and for every 5 teen pregnancies one was planned. If we don’t start teaching our students about sex the numbers will increase. Only 59 percent of pregnancies of age 15-19 end ...
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...f the sexuality active population. These numbers will go down if sex ed. would teach our kids about the safe way to do it.
No matter what teens are going to have sex, its in the human nature, but what are we going to do to protect them from having safe sex. Sex education is brought of a topic as a bad thing, but if teens are being taught about there body in a specific way how is that bad. I am all for sex education and should be taught in all of our school in America.
Work Cited
Diller,Rita.”Sex education: why is it wrong.” American Life Leauge. American Life League, 8
Jan., 2010. Web. 28 Jan, 2014.
Advocates for Youth. All rights Reserved, 2008. 13, February 2014
“Facts on American teen’s sexual and reproductive health”. Guttmacher Insittute. 1996-2014. 18 February, 2014
The reason such debate has arose over the years is because there are many diverse opinions about the topic. Children are now faced with problems at a much earlier age than years passed. There must be a way to reach the children before they are in such need of help and are clueless about the devastating problems around them. Sex education is one step in the right direction, when it comes to the health of our children, and the guarantee of a solid future. of sex education have the highest birth rates among teens. . Also indisputable is the increase economic drain in treating teenage pregnancy and sexually transmitted disease in a country already overwhelmed by debt. In my opinion I firmly believe preventative education is a must, the statistics speak for themselves school age teenagers are sexually active. Which makes it a social responsibility to assist them in understanding the means to minimize the risk that entails. "sticking our head in the sand" and saying it does not exists is simply socially irresponsible.
The Annie E. Casey Foundation. “The Facts of Teen Pregnancy: An Overview.” Teens and Sex.
What is acceptable when it comes to teaching kids about sex education? “What Schools Should Teach Kids About Sex” by Jessica Lahey uses more of a logical approach to the issues of sexual education given to adolescence, compared to “Sex Education Is One Thing” by Anna Quindlen which tells more of her personal story and opinion using pathos to connect to the audience. After reading both articles about sex education, it is clear that there are many different interpretations of what qualifies as sex education, who is qualified to teach it, and what should be included in the curriculum. Both writers believe that there should be more sex education taught to high school kids but they go about it in different ways, using rhetorical appeals of logic versus pathos.
A study conducted on teens in Sweden and the Netherlands showed that teens in those countries were just as sexually active, but the teen pregnancy and sexually transmitted disease rate was much lower. Researchers say this is due to sex education that begins in elementary school and continues on(Bender p.13). Only ten percent of American school-age youth participate in a comprehensive program lasting at least forty hours(deMauro p.89). Teens in America also score low on questionnaires based on sexual knowledge(Gordon p.
Sex education is created because people are aware of the progression of the world surrounding sex and pregnancy that is introduced to young people by inappropriate subjects. Sex education provides teenagers with information that will guard them from any sexual threats and prevent them from searching information through the wrong sources. In other countries such as Singapore and the Netherlands, the government implements sex education to young people since early childhood. It has been proven that sex education has reduced the unwanted teenage pregnancy by a significant
In the United States, there is a rising problem that is not going anywhere anytime soon, that is if we, as citizens, don 't change it. This problem is causing billions of dollars and people 's futures all because schools would rather teach ignorance than the truth. What’s the problem? Sex education. Although sex education may not seem like a rising conflict, it is actually one of the top controversial topics in our country regarding education. According to Brigid McKeon, “Each year, U.S. teens experience as many as 850,000 pregnancies, and youth under age 25 experience about 9.1 million sexually transmitted infections (STIs)” (McKeon). This number is so unbelievable to any sane person, but somehow schools still won 't take the initiative to teach realistic sex education. Sex education can be taught in two different procedures- comprehensive or abstinence only. The difference between the two methods is that comprehensive sex education teaches abstinence as a secondary choice, so that teens who decide not to wait are well educated on how to keep themselves protected. Comprehensive sex education should be required in every single public school because it is the most effective method on how to keep teenagers well informed and prepared.
Sex among teenagers is one of the most controversial topics of our time. The teen pregnancy and STD rates in the United States alone have become a major problem over the years. Despite these skyrocketing sex cases, sexual education is not being taught in some schools, and the ones that do are extremely limited. Parents, the government, organizations, and school boards do not teach the proper curriculum necessary for students to thoroughly understand sexual behavior. This essay will explain the need for proper sexual education in our schools.
Martinez, Gladys, Joyce Abma, and Casey Copen. “Educating Teenagers About Sex In The United States”. CDC.GOV. Center of Disease Control and Prevention, 15 Sept. 2010. Web. 09 Feb.2014
Sex education is an aspect of life that affects everyone, and the fact that it is vainly dismissed is flawed. Policies so far in school seem to be changing into better programs, but sex education is also affected by the parents perspective. Kids being taught about sex education at a young age is a good thing, for in this subject ignorance is not always bliss. Hopefully the nation develops into adoptive this view in all
The condoms display in the Hidden Heroes: the Genius of Everyday Things exhibit is a showcase that would cause an individual to wonder about adolescents’ overall knowledge of human sexuality. In today’s society, children are susceptible to learning about such a delicate topic not only from their families and peers, but through the media as well. These sources often provide misrepresentations of the information due to ignorance and biased views. Therefore, in order to inform individuals more accurately, sex education programs have been created with the intention to be implemented into schools across the country. This has led up to being one of the most controversial issues hovering over educational institutions, where the inclusion of such programs has been hotly debated. However, recently, the dispute is not so much about whether sex education should be taught in schools, but rather what content should be taught and what approach should be taken.
Overall, my point of view is that sexual education should be taught in school. It’s a subject that should not be looked over and should be taught before you go to high school when those things come into play. This is my point of view because boys and girls need to know about their bodies, know about STD’s, and know the different types of methods to prevent pregnancy. Sexual education should be taught regardless. Another important thing that everyone needs to learn are the different ways to stay protected so that you do not end up getting pregnant, or getting a girl pregnant. Instead of having unprotected intercourse they need to either use a condom, or be on some sort of birth control. There are many ways to be able to prevent pregnancy but they also need to know that you are never fully guaranteed that pregnancy won’t occur. They need to be informed
“Forty-one percent of teens ages 18-19 said they know nothing about condoms, and seventy-five percent said they know nothing about the contraceptive pill” (Facts on American Teens). Even if schools taught just abstinence it still would not be enough. “In 2007, a study showed that abstinence only programs have no beneficial impact on the sexual behavior of young people” (Facts on American Teens). Sex education is not taken as seriously as it should be in schools, it is treated like it is not a big deal. Schools should require a sex education class that specifically teaches students about sex and goes into depth of all the possible consequences because of the high pregnancy, abortion, and virus rates.
Rates of sexually transmitted disease and teen pregnancy are higher in the United States than in any other domesticated country. Not surprising since American culture has brought sex to the forefront over the last few decades. The need for comprehensive sex education in schools can teach children that the romanticized relationships and sexual interactions in the media aren’t showing the whole story. For children with ...
Sex education should be increased in schools. Nearly one million women under the age of 20 get pregnant each year. That means 2800 women get pregnant each day. If students are educated about the effects sex has on their lives, it lessens their chance of having children at an early age. Knowledge about sex can also lessen the chance of kids receiving STDS.