PESTLE Analysis: The Implementation Of Sex Education In Indonesia

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Sexuality and its information is a serious concern among adolescents. In recent years, there is a growing belief that school can play an important role in providing young people with knowledge that enables them to make informed decisions and help them to shape healthier lifestyles. School is an institution where the educators are in regular contact with a significant proportion of the adolescent population, with the majority of young people attending school before taking sexual risks (Silva, 2001).
In general, the purpose of sex education is to create mature people who can live a happy life and be responsible towards themselves and others. Moreover, it is also to provide adequate knowledge to young people in connection with the maturity of physical, mental, and emotional connection with sex.
During the debate our group proposed that sex education should be implemented in Indonesia. In this report, we will further analyze this issue using PESTLE Analysis and evaluate the result, before making a conclusion and suggestion that will either further support our argument or change our perception regarding this issue.

The implementation of sex education is affected by …show more content…

Sex education is created because people are aware of the progression of the world surrounding sex and pregnancy that is introduced to young people by inappropriate subjects. Sex education provides teenagers with information that will guard them from any sexual threats and prevent them from searching information through the wrong sources. In other countries such as Singapore and the Netherlands, the government implements sex education to young people since early childhood. It has been proven that sex education has reduced the unwanted teenage pregnancy by a significant

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