Separation Between Sports And Religion

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“ I don’t know what my future holds, but I do know who holds my future.” Tim Tebow’s words blew the door, that was once thought to be closed, wide open. Many athletes before and after Mr. Tebow, have declared their religious views to society. Society refuses to allow this sort of testimony, but welcomes athletes that acknowledge themselves as homosexual, or transgender. Keeping personal preferences or beliefs to oneself is highly encouraged when faith is involved, but when it involves sexuality preferences or beliefs, people are praised. Homosexuality used to be a whisper and now it is a chant. Movie after movie, athlete after athlete, team after team, has exposed the whispered fact, God is in sports. Why does faith remain a whisper?
What I Know: …show more content…

Praying before games, expressing one’s faith publicly, and even referencing a religious figure, is frowned upon. Multiple movies have been showing in theaters recently exposing this hidden reality society tries to ignore, God is in sports. As an athlete and Christian myself, I’ve often pondered why expressing my love for my Creator is so wrong? People argue that not everyone is a believer, and keeping religion to ourselves is preferred. What I know is that as a Christian, I am supposed to share my love of the Lord with others, to show them the greatness He has, but when the law prohibits me for expressing my faith, my freedoms are taken away. Separation of church and state laws have made that very clear. I know people disapprove, but I also know God is making a difference in athletes all over the

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