Introduction Ethics is an important part of living in today’s society as it raises questions to our morality and how we react to certain situations. According to Bennett-Woods (2005), ethics is best defined as a “branch of philosophy that studies morality through the critical examination of right and wrong in human action”. Characters and behaviors start to form over time not just because of the morals we were brought up with but also through life experiences. While working as a health care professional, there are times that situations may challenge our morals as humans but it is essential to decide what would be the best course of action that will benefit the patients. I know that my morals have been challenged quite frequently, but these challenges have also helped me to form a new perspective on many issues. Theories Aligned with Personal Moral Framework When I first started taking this class, I thought I knew exactly what theory best fit me as person; however, I have come to realize I was wrong. I do feel that I have a little bit of every theory in my moral framework, but I tend to stick to a few when making decisions. After much consideration and looking over my thoughts on the past discussions, I have decided that I tend to incline more towards the theory of Utilitarianism. I chose this theory mainly in the sense that I really do weigh the consequences of my decisions before making the actual decision (Bennett-Woods, 2005). I focus on how that particular decision will affect the people around me. My mom used to tell me that I need to stop worrying about pleasing other people around me and just make a decision that makes me happy; however, I tend to worry more about the people in my decision-making process. The decis... ... middle of paper ... ...e his pain. This is a particular situation that ethical principles are in conflict with each other as well as my values. My values and morals are essential in my decision-making process. I feel that it is pertinent that I stay true to my morals and myself; however, I am aware that there will be many situations where those morals and values will be challenged. All ethical principles are essential when making a decision; however, there are circumstances where a principle may be violated in order to abide by another principle. I think that overall, I would prioritize the principles based on what would promote the greatest good for people. I know that there are going to be many situations in which I have to choose what ethical principles are more important, but I feel that I will choose the best option that will uphold the majority of those ethical principles.
During week 4, we became familiar with the application of ethics in the nursing practice settings. We learned about ethical theories and principles, which are crucial when practicing in any clinical settings during ethical decision-making and while facing one or multiple ethical dilemmas. Also, we were introduced to the MORAL model used in ethical decision – making progress. The MORAL model is the easiest model to use in the everyday clinical practice, for instance at bedside nursing. This model can be applyed in any clinical settings and its acronyms assist
The classical term for the word ethics is, moral philosophies that rule an individual’s or group behavior or action. The American Nurses Association used ethics to write the Code of Ethics for Nurses with these values and visions in mind: “(1) As a statement of the ethical obligations and duties of every person who chooses to enter the profession of nursing. (2) To act as the nonnegotiable standard of ethics. (3) To serve as an expression of the understanding on nursing’s commitment to society.” (Nurses Code of Ethics, 2015). With our ever-changing society and healthcare, also comes changes to the American Nurses Association’s
Victoria, I like how you stated you came into the class with an open mind. I also came into the class with an open mind and it really helped me understand the theories and how they could apply in our everyday lives. On the last question you answered about the pluralistic approach you stated that it is the answer that we have all been looking for and I couldn’t agree more. It seems that every theory has its pros but to help us in the long run we can’t just live by one theory. Moral pluralism “allows each theory to apply to the kind of moral phenomenon it suits best; it also avoids the unfair demand that any one account can cover all the moral ground (285). “ All theories can contribute to our decision-making. “Each theory emphasizes different
Businesses across the world, including the United States, have a code of ethics statement within their business to stay professional, attract consumers, and stay away from the legal department. A code of ethics is a statement that explains the values and mission statement that goes along with their career. For instance, medical, business, social workers, and etc. have different mission statements and values for their consumers. During this essay, I’ll explain the medical code of ethics, how has the ethical code impacted myself, positively impacted my future company, job or society, lack of morals, my own professional code of ethics and life examples within the American Medical Associations Code of Ethics.
Rank the values or ethical principles which are most relevant to the dilemma or issue in your judgment
Being a young man, I am rarely subjected to making adverse decisions relating to morality. As I currently stand, my ethical principle has few ill effects, with most unethical acts being petty quarrels with friends and family. Also, I don’t have the life experience that allows me to decide the worth of benefits and the seriousness of various acts. This puts me in a state where my ethical principl...
The word ethics is derived from the Greek word ethos, which means character (1). Being moral always fills a nurse with morals respects, guidelines of good judgment and expert lead. There are three essential obligations for nurses, among many other which are the duty of autonomy, confidentiality, and obligation of care to all patients (2). There are professional duties with becoming distinctly legitimate obligations if any law and policies are ruptured in between professional practice. In 2001, a review found that there was an apparent requirement for more guidance on moral predicaments inside the medical professionals, subsequent to expanding legal cases and open request (3). Medical attendants ought to withstand to regulatory law and statutory law while managing the nursing practice.
They provide morals and are used to form what is the best and right action to do. Ethics can be controversial, but the nurse must keep in mind the patient and their morals. The nurse must understand the different positions of what is good, what is right, what ought to be done, the complexity of moral judgment and the obligations required of them (Barbara A. Carper, 1978). Ethics represent the norms of society. Unethical actions endanger social judgment, the patient, and personal morality. Learning personal values as well as moral judgments through actions and personal beliefs helps form ethics in the nursing learning.
...s. I believe that this moral theory makes the most sense and it is what most people rely on when making important decisions. Since the future is unpredictable, this theory allows us to use our own judgment regardless of duties or outcomes.
Ethics refers to the values and customs of a community at a particular point in time. At present, the term ethics is guided by the moral principles that guide our everyday actions. These moral principles guide the researcher into deciding what is ‘right’ or ‘wrong’. The foundation of medical ethics is governed by two philosophical frameworks: deontology, and utilitarianism. However, ultimately, the ethics committees need to balance the risks, and benefits for the participants and the community associated with the particular research proposal.
Ever since a young age some may identify with those who raised them to have instilled a moral compass to assist in their knowing of right from wrong. As age progress and surroundings start to influence, a new outlook on things form when the moral compasses tend to shift. Public health professionals are presented with opportunities where they can choose not to follow their professions ethical standards. Ethical can be defined as the question presented in determining right from wrong. Public health practices are one of the central areas of public health within a community and these public health practices are located throughout the communities catering to certain demographics. This is a result of the services provided or the insurances accepted. The health providers face ethical issues in forms of services provided, politics, confidentiality, and the use of
Garrett, T. M., Baillie, H. W., & Garrett, R. M. (2010). Health care ethics: Principles and problems (5thed.). Upper Saddle River, NJ: Prentice Hall.
The Utilitarian Approach: the ethical decision should provides the greatest good for the greatest number;
Introduction Generally, ethics is defined as standards of performance that explain how human beings should opt to react during many circumstances in which they meet with friends, citizens, parents, teachers, children, professionals, and businesspeople, among others. However, ethics is different from feelings, as feelings make significant information’s available for our ethical preferences. Although some people possess highly mature behaviors that cause them to feel awful when they get involved in the wrongdoings, most of the people normally enjoy doing bad things. Ethical decision-making And frequently people will feel uncomfortable when they are mandated to make difficult decisions.
The first question that comes to my mind when faced with a moral dilemma is: “What would my father do?” For my entire life, I have looked up to my father and will probably continue to do so for the rest of my life. Many of my personal morals can be contributed back to the lessons and examples my father has provided consistently. The basis for the majority of values I hold is the idea of respecting everyone. Underneath this umbrella are honoring my word, being reliable, and never intentionally harming someone –physically or emotionally- unless in self-defense.