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Eye contact interpersonal communication
How eye contact affects our interpersonal relationships essay
Eye contact interpersonal communication
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Everyone has a limit on how much self-disclosure they reveal, especially to an individual that is a stranger to them. However, self-disclosure becomes more reveling when that individual becomes more than a stranger and starts to feel comfortable with that person and someone whom they can trust. There were two experiments that took place in the study. The first experiment was based on the eye contact and self-disclosure of the experimenter and the subject. The second experiment was the effects of the experimenter’s self-disclosure. On both studies, the purpose was to see how much the subject will self-disclose and respond when the experimenter approach them in a variety of ways (Jourard & Friedman, 1970). The hypothesis for both experiments …show more content…
was when there is a higher intimacy between the experimenter and the subject, the self-disclosure would decrease. The hypothesis for both experiments were based on past research. The research that took part of this study was from the equilibrium theory by Argyle and Dean that demonstrated under what conditions compensation happens and under what conditions reciprocation happens. This study also used Jourard’s touching research and the reciprocation in self-disclosure by Drag and Powell. By utilizing these previous studies, the experimenter was able to demonstrate that as the experimenter revealed some self-disclosure, the subject would also, but in more depth. However, if the experimenter did not expose nothing about themselves, the subject would keep their disclosure to a minimum. In the first experiment, there were 48 undergrad college students.
There were 24 males and 24 females. These college students were divided into three groups and were interviewed with a three degree distance. Each group had the same number of student and had the same proportion of males and females. Each group were asked different tasks. Group one had to disclose something about themselves in a tape recorder while the experimenter was not in the room. On second group, the subject had to self-disclose with the experimenter in the room, however there were no eye contact between the experimenter and the subject. The third group needed to self-disclose and the experimenter did provide eye contact with the subject. On all three groups, the experimenter did not self- disclose anything about himself. The independent variable for experiment one was the absence, presence and continuous of eye contact between the experimenter and the subject. The dependent variable was the time spent for the subject to self-disclose and the duration of the …show more content…
self-disclosure. The results of experiment one was that there were some differences between the self-disclosure between men and women. As the experiment was closer and provided eye contact, men minimized their disclosure but increased when the experimenter was in the room. For women, they increased their self-disclosure when the experimenter gave eye contact and decreased when they were in the room. For group one, both genders had a significant increase in self-disclosure. Group two had women decrease the self-disclosure, while men were increasing. The third group had men dropped and women to increase their self-disclosure. The time spent for self-disclosing for the three groups were that in women it was 1,000 seconds, 594 seconds, and 576 seconds. For men it was 1000 seconds, 1055 seconds, and 1155 seconds. Based on the results, the amount of eye contact can influence how much self-disclosure is revealed and it can also be a factor for gender. The second experiment was conducted with 64 undergrad students, whom had 32 males and females.
These student were placed into four groups. In each group, they were asked to fill out what their impressions and feelings were of the experimenter and to answer eight questions. The subject had a choice to answer the questions while being interviewed by the experimenter. Each group had the same task, however in group one, the subject was the control who had to answer the questions. In group two, the subject would answer the question and the experimenter would touch the subjects back. The third group had to answer the questions, but the experimenter would reveal information about himself and self-disclose before the subject would answer the questions. On the fourth group, the experimenter would self-disclose and proceed with the same procedures as group three, but for this group, the experimenter would touch the subject in the back. After the experiment, the subjects were asked to fill out their impressions and feelings. The independent variable for experiment two was the touching and the self-disclosure of the experimenter. The dependent variable was the time spent and duration of the subject’s self-disclosure.
The results of the impressions of the experimenter and the experiment were higher in the fourth group with 455.5 and lower in the first group with 88.8. The impressions for the second group was 121.7 and 372.53 for group three. Impressions were high in the third group, but
it increased in the fourth group. The feelings toward the experimenter and the experiment was higher for both the third and fourth groups. Due to the results, it is determined that self-disclosure happens more when others self-disclose as well and when there is touching involved. From both studies, it was revealed that the hypothesis was correct. When subjects felt uncomfortable, their self- disclosure would decrease and they would lose eye contact. However, eye contact is different between genders and males feel more comfortable with no eye contact and females when there is eye contact. Subjects expose more information when the experimenter did the same and it increased even more when the experimenter touched the subject’s back. For both studies, one of the strengths was that there was a good internal validity. Dividing the subjects into different groups and having the same number of females and males was good because it helped to differentiate from how much self-disclosure each exposed. However, some of the limitations were that on the second experiment, each subject should have answered the questions because since probably not all the subjects answered the same questions, it could have impacted on how much disclosure the subjects actually revealed. Another limitation was that the experiments were vague and that the experimenter was a male. Having a male experimenter could have decreased the self- disclosure of females and they would have probably self-disclose more with a female experimenter. Overall, this research is valuable and informative because anyone reading this study can possibly understand why some individuals do not self-disclosure more often. This article is psychological phenomenon or can be applied to real-world problems because it can help those who have had a traumatic event and in order to feel better mentally and physically they need to self-disclose themselves. This article will help guide individuals through their problems. This study can be applied to my life because it can help me in interpersonal relationships, job interviews and in therapies. It can also benefit me to understand my disclosure and those who surround me.
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2.) We began our study by interviewing a classmate, then interviewing another PLHS student for homework and recording our data. We then proceeded to fill out a Google form, which aided us in planting the anonymous data in a data table and combining it. Following that, we sorted and graphed the data by gender and ethnicity to see how different groups responded to each inquiry. Upon doing th...
For this study, the experimenters used 70 college students. Within those 70 students, 38 of the participants were male and 32 of the participants were females. When the experiment began, each participant sat across from a confederate and began to take a pretest. After the pretest was completed the participants were then given a test, which consisted of 7 questions that could be solved and 5 qu...
For this study ten participants were chosen to complete the study. For this particular study, the participants had to be the eldest and youngest child from the same family. They both also had to be raised in the same household. The pairs were picked at random and then asked to complete the test. There were three males tested and seven females tested.
n hypothesis of the experiment is that the group containing four members will perform better than the group containing two members. This is the foundation from which we have conducted our experiment.
...d for consent to proceed with the study. The participants were given thorough instructions that at any during the survey you can withdrawal your participation in the research, and that this is to benefit research to society. Participation is this survey was voluntary was emphasized. Participants were told that the surveys should take no longer than fifteen minutes and the personal information will remain confidential their results may be shared, but for research purposes only. The questionnaire will have a demographic sheet and a 50 item questionnaire divided into two sections. One part has a four point Likert scale (0= Almost Never, 1=Sometimes, 2= Often, 3 =Almost Always) and the other part is a selection of A or B. It was also reiterated that the participants had the right to withdraw from the research study at any time; there will be no consequences or penalty.
In order for an experiment to be considered a true experimental design, the design must fit specific criteria. The researcher must have a hypothesis for a cause and effect relationship between variables, the treatment group, the control group, random selection for the treatment group, and random assignment for the control group. In a simple experiment, the researcher forms two groups that are similar or equivalent, through probability, to each other in every way possible appropriate to the concept of experiment. The treatment group receives the procedure for the experiment and the control group does not. Therefore, the only difference between the groups will be that one group receives the treatment for the experiment and one group does note. After the experiment is conducted the researcher analysis the results in both groups.
In order to test this hypothesis 60 students will be randomly recruited. In order to get my 60 participants, I will pick students who id begins with the numbers 08. A total of 30 females and 30 males will be chosen, all psychology undergraduate students from Texas A&M International University, largely in the age range 20-25 years. No payment, other than receive 5 points of extra credit, will be offered for participation.
...es, I have found that too much self-disclosure too early in a relationship/friendship may lead to negative outcomes. This may occur, for example when a person self-discloses too much about themselves, leaving them vulnerable to rejection or embarassment. Also if the other person doesn't reciprocate, that could cause the self-disclosed person to feel uncomfortable. You need to build a relationship/friendship, and over time, as you disclose more, there will be a more trustworthy and supportive base to the relationship. So over all, the article did an excellent job reinforcing the importance of time in building a relationship through social penetration, or self-disclosure.
According to the prediction, people’s level of aggressiveness will drop when the target is participant’s friend under the situation that involves a general offensive action, yet if the situation involves an intimate issue, the participant will likely to act aggressively to their friends. If the target is a stranger, then participant’s level of aggression will increase while facing a general offensive action and participants will act less aggressively to a stranger when it is an intimate issue. In this experiment, the independent variable is different situations and different targets, and the dependent variable is the level of people aggressiveness towards stranger and friend under variant situations. As for clarification, general offensive action in this context
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4. Question d: Explain the variables you should take into account when assessing page 4