Sea Of Flames In Marie And Von Rumpel

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I think the sea of flames has a different role when you look at through another perspective. In Marie and Von Rumpel perspective, it’s trophy like object, since Marie is trying to keep it and Von Rumpel is trying to get, this corresponds with the real life like if someone has a title / trophy of “fastest runner” they would be trying to hold on to the title while others are trying to get it. But in the book, if Von Rumpel gets the sea flames, he might kill Marie or he might kill her then take it.
Another perspective would be the positive where Von Rumpel gets the sea of flames and gets to live longer and nothing bad happens to anyone, in this way the sea of flames plays the role of something that saves people. One other perspective is the negative point where Von Rumpel kills Marie to take the sea of flames, then represent it as an object that changes a person's humanity and personality because, Von Rumpel maybe be cruel, but I don’t think he is cruel enough to kill a …show more content…

It’s only been Marie’s father and Marie that came in contact with it, there is not much impact when Marie’s father has the sea of flames, but when he leaves it to go to Paris, he gets stopped and arrested, this could be because he left the sea of flames. For Marie I think sea of flames could be reason why Madam Manac died because the sea of flames kills everyone who is close to the person who has it. Madam Manac has died just around the time when she is getting closer to Marie. I think for Von Rumpel it’s slowly making him insane because he is getting more and more obsessed with it. And it’s making him more anticipated since he is very close to find it. I don't think the sea of flames has special powers. I think it’s just a story that the kings made so no one would steal it. The holy grail is famous object that could be a cup,bowl or a

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