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Contribution of Galileo to the development of science
Positive impact of the 16th century reformation
Contribution of Galileo to the development of science
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The scientific revolution can be considered one of the biggest turning points in European history. Because of new scientific ideas and theories, a new dawn of thinking and questioning of natural elements had evolved. Scientific revolution thinkers such as Newton, Galileo, and Copernicus all saw nature as unknowable and wanted to separate myths from reality. During the scientific revolution during mid 1500-late 1600s, key figures such as Isaac Newton and Nicolaus Copernicus greatly impacted Europe in terms of astronomical discoveries, scientific methods, and the questioning of God to challenge the church’s teachings.
Before the scientific revolution, it was widely believed that the earth was the center of the universe and that everything revolved
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around it which is shown as an illustration of the universe with the earth at the center and heaven on the outermost circle(1). Also, as Dominican monk Gio Bruno says in document 5, “Everywhere there is incessant relative change in position throughout the universe, and the observer is always in the center of things”(5). Bruno is saying that the earth is in fact the center of the universe and everything else is just floating around. He is disagreeing with Aristotle and stating that there is no absolute position space. He is just trying to find suggest another view of the universe to gain attention. People also believed anything the church said without questioning it. This is what also sparked the enlightenment-the questioning of the scientific church teachings. As Copernicus says in document 2, “They will cry out at once that I and my theory should be rejected.” Copernicus is saying that because are set to believe that the earth is the center of the universe, they will reject his theory immediately and basically call him crazy. This document is addressed to Pope Paul III and published after death. He is complaining to the pope about how no one will believe him. Copernicus seeks to convince the pope to help him publish and convince other people to believe his theories. Because of the church, it is no surprise Copernicus was having trouble with society excepting his theories. The church’s teachings have been drilled into people’s minds and was now impossible to accept any other scientific theory. Religion played a major role in the Scientific revolution.
Not just the catholic church, but the new reformed religions such as lutheranism. Martin Luther, the founder of Lutheranism, discusses the events of the new scientific findings in document 3. He says that the new scientific discoveries are just fools. He does not appreciate it because he is a very religious man who lives strictly by the bible. “Joshua commanded the sun top stand still, and not the earth.”(Joshua 10:13). Luther does not want people to believe these new discoveries and lose people from the church. The scientific impacted europe religion in a huge way. It made people realize that not everything the church has teached us is true and to prove everything yourself. This is the attitude that led to the enlightenment. Luther views the scientific revolution as a threat to his church, where as John Calvin, the founder of Calvinism, agrees with the new scientific findings as said in document 4. Calvin says that the new findings supports the evidence of God and even proves His existence. “This art [astronomy] unfolds the admirable wisdom of God(4).” With the scientific revolution slowly gaining the support from different churches, the new ideas and discoveries start to be supported by
society. Although Isaac Newton is not mentioned in any of the documents, he was still the most influential subject in the scientific revolution. He was extremely obsessed in the study of alchemy (as were a lot of the other scientist) which was the practice of using chemistry to transform matter into gold or elixir. Newton’s fame came when he published the universal laws of gravitation in the “Principia.” As said in the Principia, Newton demonstrated mathematical proofs for the universal law of gravitation. These new laws gave a whole new view and understanding of the universe. Today, Isaac Newton’s laws are still used in space exploration and even satellites.The U.S government uses the laws of gravitation in their aircraft and even spaceships. Still today debates are popular between God and science. It is still one of the controversial topics of all time. Questioning faith is not a thing of the past, but a result of it. The scientific revolution will forever be one of the most awesome movements in European history without a doubt.
In his book, Repcheck recounts how a Catholic Church cleric invented a highly complicated theory of the heavens’ architecture. Copernicus made a breakthrough by solving a significant astronomical problem. Everybody except the astronomers had earlier accepted Aristotle’s concept that heavenly objects revolved around the earth in perfectly circular orbits. The astronomers were opposed to this notion since their calculations could not work according to it. Repcheck introduces Ptolemy who described a cosmos in which the earth positioned itself somewhat off-center and other heavenly bodies revolved in one circular orbit inside a second ideal circle at changeable speeds. Even though Ptolemy’s model was rather complicated, astronomers found it to be reasonable in their calculations. Astronomers were still using this new concept even 1500 years later. In this regard, the author starts to bring Copernicus into the picture.
Who were the four key figures who contributed to disenchanting the view of the universe?
The English Enlightenment represented innovation in technology, advancement of communication, and the destruction of absolutism, all of which significantly affected American culture. Scientific discoveries in Europe, mainly cultivated by Isaac Newton, Galileo, and Copernicus, served as the pinnacles of scientific rationalism, or the science that provides answers to questions reached through human inquiry, not scriptures of the Bible. These findings went completely against religious ideals of the era, one example being the discovery of craters on the moon, which proved that all things created by God are not perfect. The printing press allowed scientific ideas to be effectively spread across the world. The upset of religion by science extended throughout Europe, into Britain, and eventually to the American colonies. As religious beliefs were replaced by scientific fact, universities in North America grew and became secular. In Europe, absolute monarchs were ousted and established churches were denied the right to have hierarchical power. The rise of science was reflected by new political ideas as well. Montesquieu’s Spirit of the Laws, Rousseau’s The Social Contract, and John Locke’s Two Treatises of Government justified the ostracism of absolute monarchs through the principle of government based on social contracts, not divine rights. The social contract was created to protect what Locke described as the Natural Rights of Man- life, liberty, and pr...
The scientific revolution was what introduced the way we think based on experimentation, observation and how we apply reasoning to the things we do scientifically. During the scientific revooution this way of thinking brought forward new kinds of thinkers otherwise know as enlgihtentment thinkers. These enlightenment thinkers brought there ideas forward, which helped lead the strive for there independence . this is what led to the beginning of the scientific revolution. The scientific revolution began around the mid 1700s and went all the way through the mid 1800s theses revolutions did not only stay in one place, this was happening globally in Europe, the americans and through out the latin American colonies. You might ask yourself what did they these revolutions have in common ? they all became infulanced by one another and was infinced by the enlightenment thinkers.
Another important figure of the Scientific Revolution is Galileo Galilei (1564-1642). He was the first to use the telescope to observe the stars and come up with the idea that the universe is completely subject to mathematical laws, and he was an ardent supporter of this novel concept. The heavens before the Scientific Revolution had been considered as the most mysterious part of the universe. With the heavens explained, people started to believe that it would be easy to understand humans as well. They felt that science...
The Scientific revolution in the 16th and 17th centuries changed the way that people views the world. Scientific philosophers such as Galileo and Descartes threw out the old teachings of the church and challenged them with new ways of thinking. These men sought to prove that rational thought could prove the existence of God. They also challenged that it was an understanding of a series of rational thoughts, not faith, would bring understanding of how the world worked. Traditional ways of thinking were ultimately challenged by logical and sensible rationale.
The Scientific Revolution and Enlightenment period were both a time of immense growth in scientific discovery and an increase in the secular view of the world. The Scientific Revolution would include the use of direct observation and experimentation, dependence on mathematical confirmation, and inventions to test new scientific discoveries (Kwak). The new discoveries of the Scientific Revolution led the growing number of literate middle class individuals in the Enlightenment period. This growth of enlightened individuals led to more intellectual and cultural attitudes that shaped modern history throughout the world (Fiero, 134). This paper will analyze the impact of the
Galileo, Kepler, and Newton were among the thinkers responsible for a shift in scientific understanding. Before science in Europe did little without reliance on the church, but these thinkers set the stage for a new scientific pattern that separated the physical from the spiritual and set out to learn the natural laws that govern the physical world. Each of these men, through their varying pursuits, helped Europe to envision a world that was necessarily godless, but could operate automatically under constant natural laws.
The modern science view as well as the Scientific Revolution can be argued that it began with Copernicus’ heliocentric theory; his staunch questioning of the prior geocentric worldview led to the proposal of a new idea that the Earth is not in fact the center of the solar system, but simply revolving around the Sun. Although this is accepted as common sense today, the period in which Copernicus proposed this idea was ground-breaking, controversial, and frankly, world-changing. The Church had an immense amount of power, and was a force to be reckoned with; in the beginning of the Scientific Revolution, new scientific proposals and ideas were discouraged in many cases by the Church. A quote from Galileo’s Children does an excellent job summing up the conflict: “The struggle of Galileo against Church dogma concerning the nature of the cosmos epitomized the great, inevitable and continuing clash between religion and reason.” If evidence goes against scripture, the scientist is considered a heretic and is, like in Galileo’s case, forbidden to discuss the ideas any further. Galileo Galilei, who proposed solid evidence and theory supporting the heliocentric model, was forced to go back on his beliefs in front of several high officials, and distance himself from the Copernican model. This, luckily, allowed him to not be killed as a heretic, which was the next level of punishment for the crimes he was charged with, had he not went back on his beliefs. Incredible support was given through the young developing academies with a sense of community for scientists and academics; “Renaissance science academies represent a late manifestation of the humanist academy movement.” Since the Church was grounded traditionally evidence that went agains...
In 1540 a Polish clergyman, Nicholas Copernicus developed the idea that the Sun, not the Earth was at the center of the universe. He described the Sun as a royal throne ruling the planets that orbited it. The Copernican system stated the Earth never stood still and moved in two separate motions. The Earth revolved around the Sun each year and spun on it own axis once each day. No one b...
Eighteenth Century Europe was in turmoil, “characterized by dramatic revolutions in science, philosophy, society and politics” (Bristow, 2011, para. 1). Revolution was afoot in France, while earlier scientific discoveries from Copernicus to Newton drastically changed how humans understood the world. Empiricism and Skepticism rose with modern science to challenge the prevailing Rationalism (Murphy, 2010).
Before Nicolaus Copernicus, many people used the Geocentric Model - which was the idea that the Earth was the center of the universe, and that the Sun, along with other bodies, revolved around the Earth. Copernicus developed a theory that contradicts the Geocentric Model (which was later known as the Copernican Theory). He believed that the Earth was not the center of the universe, but was a planet, along with many other celestial bodies. But because of the limitations in technology at the time, he couldn’t prove his theory.. With Galileo Galilei, he, he proved Copernicus’s theory, but was accused of heresy against
The Scientific revolution was a crucial part in the seventeenth century due to its great expanse of knowledge, intelligence and prosperity among philosophers. Before the beginning of the scientific revolution, most ideals and standards were set on religious beliefs. During the revolution, most philosophers were convicted of heresy due to their swaying from standard religious doctrine. Though the theories and ideas made in the revolution were against church teachings, they allowed science to become what it is today.
The changes produced during the Scientific Revolution were not rapid but developed slowly and in an experimental way. Although its effects were highly influential, the forerunners Nicolaus Copernicus, Galileo Galilei, Isaac Newton, Francis Bacon, and Rene Descartes only had a few hundred followers. Each pioneered unique ideas that challenged the current views of human beingsí relationship with nature. With the backing of empirical observation and mathematical proof, these ideas slowly gained acceptance. As a result, the operation of society, along with prior grounds for faith were reconsidered. Their ideas promoted change and reform for humansí well-being on earth.
Over the course of the years, society has been reformed by new ideas of science. We learn more and more about global warming, outer space, and technology. However, this pattern of gaining knowledge did not pick up significantly until the Scientific Revolution. In the sixteenth and seventeenth century, the Scientific Revolution started, which concerned the fields of astronomy, mechanics, and medicine. These new scientists used math and observations strongly contradicting religious thought at the time, which was dependent on the Aristotelian-Ptolemy theory. However, astronomers like Copernicus, Kepler, Galileo, and Newton accepted the heliocentric theory. Astronomical findings of the Scientific Revolution disproved the fact that humans were the center of everything, ultimately causing people to question theology’s role in science and sparking the idea that people were capable of reasoning for themselves.