'Science And Soft Sciences' By Jared Diamond

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The word science is a broad spectrum that has many fields and encompasses many things in the seven-letter word. What some might now realize is that science can also be political. Two pieces of writing that show different aspects of how science is political are “What is Science” by Gorge Orwell and “Soft Sciences are Often Harder than Hard Sciences” by Jared Diamond. Orwell goes into discussion about the interpretation of science and what scientifically educated means. Diamond, on the other hand uses actual politics to describe the hierarchy between “Hard Sciences” and “Soft Sciences”. Both articles show readers that science is not just an experimental or theoretical study. Orwell and Diamond use examples and probe questions at science; they elucidate the need to understand the role politics plays in science. Orwell address science as political by raising the question of what is science. As simple as the question seems, Orwell argues for critical thinking by stating, “The fact is that a mere training in one or more of the exact sciences, even combined with very high …show more content…

The reality of the hierarchy that exists in science is interesting, yet also derogatory. Primarily, each discipline of science is its own entity and comparing different specialties can be problematic. The claim that “Soft Sciences” are harder than “Hard Sciences” is somewhat correct. In addition, designed experiments have a set result; while in other fields of science experiments do not necessarily have an “exact answer” (Diamond, 1987, pg. 3). Soft sciences uses critical thinking to receive the results, where as hard science has a method to achieving the desired results. Diamond states, “… operationalizing is inevitably more difficult and less exact in the soft sciences, because there are so many uncontrolled variables” (Diamond, 1987, pg.

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