School Shootings

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Mahatma Gandhi once said “An eye for an eye will only make the whole world blind.” There are many types of violence that occur in schools every day and yet we still cannot find a solution to end it. Many students goes to school for an education but still have to deal with bullying (verbal, cyber, or/and physical) which can lead into school shootings. Parents send their child to gain knowledge and should not have to worry about their children being safe at school. For a while now, School shootings has been receiving a significant amount of media attention, which have parents concerned about their children’s safety in school. According to website Teen Violence Statistics, serious violent crimes at school hit a peak in the 1990s, when a series …show more content…

Kids who have been the victims of crime themselves and who hang with peers who carry weapons are the ones most likely to bring guns to school (2014). There are many reasons why school violence occur. However, the main ones are house environment, having easy availability of weapons and having severe depression. By having a bad house environment is when there is not any love or affection and constant fighting occur within the home. Secondly, having easy availability of weapons can behold by illegal means from illegal sources or from parents under lack of supervision. Lastly, being under severe depression it may be possible that anyone can express their depression by becoming violent. Which can include anything like bullying, theft, rape or killing other people. In rare cases, there are some children who act out just to be cool, to fit in with the crowd, or just do it without any reason. So the question remains who gets the blame and who said enough is enough, it is time for a …show more content…

We lack to understand that risk factors are not direct causes of school violence, instead, risk factor contribute to school violence. On the website of Youth Violence: Risk and Protective Factors, the risk factors include the individual, family, community, peer and social. To elaborate, individual risk factors are history of violent victimization, history of early aggressive behavior, low IQ and poor behavioral control. Family risk factors are low parental involvement, parental substance abuse or criminality, low parental education and income. Community risk factors are high level of transiency, socially disorganized neighborhoods, and diminished economic opportunities. Peer and social risk factors are involvement in gangs, social rejection by peers, and association with delinquent peers (2015). On April 16, 2007, one of the deadliest shooting occur on the campus of Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University by Seung Hui Cho. Seung Hui Cho was a 23 year old senior and English major at Blacksburg based Virginia Tech. According to news reports, he had started the attack around 7:15 a.m., by shooting a female freshman and a male assistant in a campus dormitory before escaping. At around 9:40 a.m., Cho, had two handguns with many ammunitions, locked several main doors and went room to room shooting people. Ten minutes after his rampage began, he

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