School Connectedness And Risk Behavior Among Adolescents

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The lives of adolescents have become so challenging as they are bombarded with negative influences and peer pressure. Influences that are life changing, captivating and encourages risk behaviors. Restrictions, rules, laws and regulations has been implemented to control and lessen risk behaviors among our children beyond the home. Yet, with the enforcement of policies and laws that has in some way positively impacted the risk behaviors among adolescents, there is a need for methods that will involve the family and school. Methods that will become practical in the lives of our adolescents. Parental and school connectedness are methods that engages both the school and parents in the lives of the adolescents. Measures that promotes acceptance, …show more content…

Explaining how parental connectedness and school connectedness has developed the feeling of belonging, safety, acceptance and feeling cared for among adolescent. Emphasizing the effectiveness of these methods in reducing risk behaviors among adolescents. Showing the importance of parent connectedness, effective communication between parent and child as the child experience the feeling of love, care, acceptance and belonging, creating the foundation and structure of the child …show more content…

Granted that the adolescent has a feeling of acceptance and belonging at home, they surely would like to have the same experience where they spend most of their hours daily. In the school setting, adolescents would surely like to be respected and valued. The school environment acts as a reinforcement in promoting and encouraging values that can last a lifetime. According to Shochet, Smyth and Homel (2007), school connectedness is defined by Goodenow (1993: 80) as 'the extent to which students feel personally accepted, respected, included, and supported by others in the school social environment'. Increase academic performance, mental stability, improved behavior and reduce risk behavior are connected to the positive influence of school

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