Savulsecu The Perfect Child

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The Perfect Child
Alicia Reams
Hawkeye Community College

Who says your child cannot have it all, should they? With the fast advancement of technology and the growing number of children being brought in to this world via intro fertilization parents have multiple choices they can make, including the intelligence of their child, eye color, sex and even hair color with just some manipulation of DNA from both parents. Should parents have this power to be able to choose traits down to hair color? Even being able to avoid having different types of birth defects that parents who have babies …show more content…

Savulsecu, (2001) responds by stating “we are producing a better population and are eliminating restricted genetic opportunity”. Liao (2003) responds by stating “the parents pick out what the child will wear, what he/she will eat, which preschool he/she should attend, why not chose the sex of their child”. What if all of this science role playing offers more harm in the future, what science is out there to prove that after all of this genetic role playing and altering that the said child born to such scrutiny will not end up with some weird disease or early death as a result of it? These children being “created” by their parents are almost genetic guinea pigs to see what happens when they become adults to see if messing with nature can cause more harm later in …show more content…

In my opinion the perfect child is that born in the image of God, one which has not been genetically altered to be pleasing to the parents; shame on parents for not feeling as though they are blessed enough with the child created naturally. The embryos are people, just like you and me, just not born yet and making these decisions for them hardly seems fair to the unborn. Of course I agree that some people need in vitro fertilization to help them be able to have children which I absolutely agree that every person should have the opportunity to be a parent. I also understand that if you had the ability to know that your child may get a disease because of their genetic makeup you would probably make the choice without thinking twice to fix the problem and avoid that hardship. But should we be going to the point where the intelligence of a child or even eye color or hair color should matter when we are making this gift of life. I think that those things should be luck of the draw just like they are for any other couple expecting a baby. People should be happy with whatever they receive for a child because every child no matter what is a blessing. We need to realize there isn’t such a thing as a society “without inequality” and I don’t think genetically making children will change that. In essence, there is no prefect child, nor should there be. We are all born with flaws and faults, all born in the image in which we were meant to be.

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