Saving Lions In Burlington: Observation Report

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My Organization is called save the lions in Burlington. It supports Wild life Conservation society and Wild Life Alliance .It also supports World Society for the protection of animals and African Wildlife foundation. These originations all about protecting and saving animals and also they are all non for profit originations. The Organization is about raising money to find the lions a better home and from going extinct. Also Its about finding a new home and protecting them from hunters. My mission statement is saving a lion a day means we are saving an animals life from extinction. The Organization is mostly made for everyone because anyone at any age can help save the lions. Also people of all ages like animals and it is educational experience for all. …show more content…

The difference between a profit and a non-profit is that a profit is like getting a profit at the end of the year a non-profit is the opposite like what I explained before. The deference's from Save The Lions In Burlington and from others is that its saving lions from extinction and the human society helps strays and abandoned animals for example. The similarity of the two is they are both rescuing animals and protecting them. My personal role in the organization is to help collect the money to raise the money to save the lions from extinction. Also My role is to find people that ae willing to spend money to help us save the lions and help make posters and help advertise Save the lions in Burlington organization. The organization gets its money from putting posters all over the city and advertise it on the T.V to notify people about it and if people are interested they will support the origination. Also if I tell my friends or parents about it they will tell their friends and so on. I would spend my money on for saving the lions and other expenses in order to do that. I also will spend the money on posters and flyers. Also I will spend money on advertisements for the T.V to help get as many people as

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