Sargentos Short Stories

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Sargentos Three trials “Beep!” blurted a car horn. “Sorry!” Shawn yelled as he ran across the street. Once again, a usual morning with Shawn running in the street through L.A in the big city; constant sirens, cars scorching on the road, and the loneliness. Shawn was in a rush to get to his high school until he got knocked to the ground by someone. “Oh, sorry I knocked you down, let me help you,” the stranger insisted. As Shawn went to reach for the hand, the stranger abandoned him, and walked on with his day. Shawn got back up and started running with dirty wind in his face. Most outsiders say that L.A is a beautiful, sunny, warm city. Not in Shawn’s eyes. It’s a cold, dirty, somewhat dark, and hopeless place. The only thing that the …show more content…

It was a man leaning on a cane wearing black slacks, a sleek red coat; one a magician would wear, white gloves, and a black top hat. His skin color was brilliant blue, and had the face of the devil with a skinny black mustache. The man’s red eyes stared wide into Shawns eyes, with a creepy smile. Shawn starred back, not knowing what to do. “Ah yes! Shawn pick a card, any card! C’mon boy,” shouted the man with excitement. He walked toward the boy holding out cards. Shawn stood like a stone, then the man shoved the cards in his chest. “Pick a card you idiot,” the man said impatiently. “Who are you?” Shawn asked while taking a card. “Why I’m Sargento!” he shouted gleefully, “But you can call me Mr. Sargento,” the man said. Without any warning Sargento yanked the card out of Shawns hand and looked at it. He chuckled like a demon, staring at Shawn with an evil smile. He showed him a card with the number six. “Shawn my boy you hit the jackpot!” Sargento said excitedly, “You shall go through trials! Yes indeed, And you will come out different,” Sargento said. Shawn was frightened by the state ment. Sargento snapped his fingers, then Shawn instantly appeared in a new place, sunny with green pastures, and trees. Behind him stood a Blue jay and a raccoon. The blue jay was about five feet tall, and the raccoon was about three feet …show more content…

Just at the moment, Shawn realized the blue jay was Mordo, and the Raccoon was Rigbone from his show. “Are you guys Mordo and Rigbone?” Shawn asked. “Yep,” they both said, “Hey, we also need take you somewhere by orders,” Mordo said nervously. All three traveled, then came upon a circled temple. They all entered, and then a trumpet was blown, a crowd appeared in the circled temple, three different knights, and then Sargento. “Ready for the trials?” Sargento asked Shawn, “Let the first knight attack!” Sargento shouted. Right away the crowd cheered, and the first knight came upon Shawn, Mordo, and Rigbone. “Where’s the weapons?” they all asked. “Overcome them with truth and imagination Then you shall succeed!” Sargento stated then disappeared. Multiple times the knight kept swinging with a bat, and chanting- “Ha, I saw what you are in your world, just a negative, sensitive, hopeless boy with hopeless friends,” “No I’m Not,” Shawn stated repeatedly. For a long time they all ran around, then the knight took a short break. The three huddled together to think of a plan- “What do we do?” Mordo

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