Sample Case Conceptualization Of Cognitive Therapy

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Gabriella’s general physician has referred the client to therapy because she has been having low moods. The client stated that she has been feeling down and has been unable to “snap out of it.” The described that the current symptoms she is feeling are due to her feeling lonely and distant from things. She explained that she feels empty, does not feel like herself, and feels that she not in touch with anything. The client elucidated that she feels as if she was watching everything go by. The client is describing symptoms of dissociation. The client continues on to explain that her physical symptoms feel as if she had butterflies in her stomach. She currently has low energy and difficulties getting up in the morning. B. Describe Recent Precipitants of the Current Problem Despite the ongoing symptoms that the client described, she mentioned that her low mood was caused by the recent break up of her long-term relationship with her boyfriend. The client described the break up as, “such a shook, was not expecting it.” She mentioned that she does not want to worry her mother. Her automatic thoughts of “My mother is not pleased with me, my mother is unhappy with my behavior, I do not want to disappoint her,” …show more content…

For example, she dwells on her feelings and thinks that since “nobody else feels this way, I am alone, and I am a disappointment.” The client disregards her feelings by pushing them away because she should not be feeling this way. Furthermore, the client engages in overgeneralization. For example, the client’s negative experiences on her first day as a waitress lead her to believe that the negative event was a result of her not being good enough. The client believes she is recently not good at anything because of one negative event that occurred. The client’s way to cope is by isolating herself and becoming distant. The isolation reinforces her negative symptoms of low mood and feelings of

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