Salvation Thesis

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As previously stated in this document, the purpose of this Thesis is threefold. In these final conclusions reflecting over the discoveries of this Thesis, and research; let us review the main tri-purpose of this paper.

The first goal of this Thesis was set forth to examine the ways different branches of Christianity publicly declare to be the true path of salvation. For the reason and overwhelming concern that if a branch of Christianity adds works to that which The Scriptures declare, then the sinner is still under a law, and not under Grace. Or, if a branch of Christianity promises salvation via less than what the Scriptures demand, then it is propagating a lie, and promoting a damnable heresy that will result in a false conversion, and …show more content…

The Roman Catholic Church claims salvation is through belief, baptism into church membership, and obedience of the sacraments of the church. The Baptist Brethren not being a unified assembly, but largely unified in their claims of salvation. As shown in this Thesis research, the Baptist Brethren declare that salvation is through the belief in Jesus, and acceptance of the forgiveness offered as a free gift from God himself. Baptism and obedience is directed from discipleship, and the following Christ as a student, and member of his church; but not for salvation and redemption of ones eternal sinful soul. The Lutheran Churches unify over the historic creeds, and the 95 Thesis of Martin Luther; declare that salvation is through belief, acceptance of the Creeds, baptism, and an evidence of good works in this world. The Lutheran churches publicly profess that salvation requires steps of faith, and action; not necessarily in any particular order as the church accepts infant baptism which is definitely prior to any obedience, of profession of faith. The required conclusion of any learned observer is that all three cannot be correct. Each of the three researched in this Thesis profess that a …show more content…

In the words of Jesus recorded in John 3:16 [KJV], salvation is offered to “whosoever believeth” for God “so loved the world that he gave his only begotten son.” To be saved one must first confess that they need to be saved, and that they are a sinner, as recorded in Romans 3:23 [KJV] “For all have sinned, and come short of the glory of God”. To be saved the sinner must confess that Jesus is the Messiah, the blood sacrifice unto the Father in heaven, and that Jesus is who he said he was, “GOD”. To be saved they must confess that Jesus is LORD, as recorded in Romans 10:9 [KJV] by Paul, and in this confession believe that Jesus died on the cross in their place, and rose again on the third day to prove he has the power over death, hell, and the keys to heaven “That if thou shalt confess with thy mouth the Lord Jesus, and shalt believe in thine heart that God hath raised him from the dead, thou shalt be saved.” As Paul stated to be saved one must believe in the heart that Jesus rose from the dead. He is eternal. He is in heaven now, waiting to stand

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