Sadaam Hussein Research Paper

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Sadaam Hussein is the former president of Iraq. He is one of the most well-known Middle Estern dictators. he ruled Iraq from 1979 until his overthrow and capture by the US-led coalition, in 2003. The year after Hussein became president, Iraq launched an air attack against Iran. The war ended with a draw in 1988, with approximately one million deaths. In 1982, Hussein ordered the destruction of Dujail, a village in northern Iraq, leading to the deaths of over 140 people. In 1988, Hussein ordered a poison gas attack on Kurds in Halabja in northern Iraq. More than 5,000 people were killed. In 1990, Iraq invaded Kuwait, the beginning of the Persian Gulf War. In 1991, U.S. and coalition forces launched Operation Desert Storm to free Kuwait from Iraqi occupation. The operation was successful, but Hussein remained in power. In …show more content…

In November 2002, the U.N Security Council unanimously adopted Resolution 1441, outlining strict new weapons inspections and threatening "serious consequences" if Iraq failed to comply. Iraq agreed and within weeks inspectors arrived. In March 2003, the second Gulf War bagan, code named Operation Iraqi Freedom. On December 13, 2003, Saddam Hussein was captured in a cellar, or 'spider hole' at a farmhouse in Tikrit between 8:00-8:30 pm Iraqi time, as a part of "Operation Red Dawn". In July 2004, Saddam Hussein made his first appearance in court at his arraignment and was charged with a variety of crimes, including the invasion of Kuwait and the gassing of the Kurds. He plead innocent. In July 2005, the Iraqi Special Tribunal (IST) filed the first criminal charges against him, for the 1982 massacre in Dujail. In October 2005, Hussein's trial began in Baghdad. In November 2006, Hussein was convicted and sentenced to death by hanging for the Dujail massacre. Per Iraqi law there is an automatic appeal to every death

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