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Running is very good for humans in many different ways. It is a great way to get exercise, and a great way to meet new people. There are many positives, and some negatives, it is easy, enjoyable and makes humans more social, you can do it at anytime, and it relieves stress rather than give stress.

Although there are some negatives with running, there are also many positives. Many people run because of the health reasons. It is good for the heart and lungs and people run in the fresh air. Running outside rather than inside is good for you too because of the fresh air. Running also relieves tension, by running, people can think about their problems without having to worry about anyone hearing them. They can think about whatever they want and not have to worry about what anybody thinks about them. Running also improves circulation which makes it easier to breath for humans. Humans should do some sort of exercise or run at least 2-3 times a week to improve their mood.

Most people think that running is all positive for the body and mind, but there are some negatives to it. ...

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