Rough Draft Short Story

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It was 3:00AM, I had just been woken up from another two hour catnap, by the screams and cries of my newborn son. He was hungry yet again, and I was beyond exhausted, physically and mentally. I picked him up and made him a bottle, fed him, gave him a few pats and rubs on his back, then laid him back down. I don't think even a minute passed after putting him down, before the screams and cries started up again. I wanted to pull my hair out and scream in my pillow. I picked up my son again and changed his diaper to see if maybe that was the problem, it wasn’t. My patience was running extremely thin, and it felt as if I myself might start to cry. I looked down at my tiny 6lb son, eyes wet with tears, cheeks and chin shaking. My heart throbbed …show more content…

I cuddled my baby as close to my chest as possible, whipped the streaks of tears from his cheeks, and kissed his peach fuzz forehead. I started to hum a lullaby while rocking him in my arms. I had gotten so caught up in the moment, that before I knew it, he was fast asleep. His little sucking noises and bottle drool, made me laugh aloud. I had forgotten all about how frustrated and beat down I was, just a few minutes ago. All I could think of now, was how I never wanted this moment to end. When I looked down at my sleeping baby, I found it hard, crazy even, to think how stressed and frustrated I was with him before. He is just so innocent, and what he needs from me the most on these dark nights are, patience and love. From then on, that is exactly what he received. That night was not only a life lesson in motherhood, but also with everyday life. The best part about the two is that they come from within. There is no price on them, they are a gift, but not just any gift, they are the type of gift that keeps on giving. They spread like wildfire in dry grass.My son must have sensed that I had calmed down and relaxed, physically and mentally, which allowed him to do the same and fall asleep. Patience and love, was all my baby

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