Rosebud in Citizen Kane

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Rosebud in Citizen Kane

Rosebud is sled, Kane's sled when he was a boy. Rosebud is the

foundation of the film of citizen Kane. Rosebud is also Kane's last

words. He was a very important man, known globally. Rosebud is the

word everyone wants to understand the meaning of, so there is a hunt

to find the meaning of the word. This sets the story for the film.

Rosebud is a symbol of Kane, in that Rosebud represents his loss of

the ability to love and how to love. The film Citizen Kane has a lot

of direction meaning that every shot means something in its own way,

there is a hidden message in every movement of the camera. There was a

close up on the "NO TRESPASSING" sign emphasising the fact that the

person (Kane) was isolating him and didn't want anyone to disturb him.

The camera slowly pans up the fence, showing how tall the fence is

which is very high. This shows me that whoever lived there didn't want

anybody in, and wasn't taking any chances. The panning slowly goes up

into an angle where you can see the big castle and the big K symbol in

the head of the gate.

As the panning goes up it goes closer and closer to a lighted window,

this draws your attention and makes you wonder who is behind the walls

and the castle is of great power and wealth and probably very

isolated. Each shot of the scenery is dissolved into another slowly

leading up to the castle. The set design is gloomy and dull; the set

design reminds you of Dracula's dwellings. The music is moody and

brooding. Rosebud is made extremely important in that there is a very

close: close up of Kane's mouth as he says the word, Rosebud giving it

maximum importance. Kane drops the...

... middle of paper ... there for the

people Kane just wanted there love. Thompson's conclusion of Rosebud

is that

"No word can sum up a man's life"

He thinks Rosebud is something he couldn't get or something he lost.

Thompson also thinks that Rosebud is like

"A piece in a jigsaw puzzle, a missing piece"

I think this means that Kane could never be whole like a jigsaw puzzle

because he is missing love, the last piece of the puzzle. Rosebud is

revealed when men chuck away Kane's old things in the fire. There is a

close up shot of the sled with a thorny rose, and the word Rosebud

slowly burns away with the thorny rose, and eventually disappears in

the fire. Rosebud is something Kane held close to his heart. Rosebud

was his sled which he used to represent what he lost. He lost his

childhood and the ability to love and be loved.

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