Romeo And Juliet Tybalt Character Traits

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Romeo, as a character, is shown to be a thoughtful person, but sharing his thoughts aloud does not always help the situation.Trying to have Tybalt understand his motives, he says,“Tybalt, the reason that I have for loving you helps me overcome the anger I should really feel at such an insult. I’m not a peasant. Therefore, good-bye. I see you don’t really know me”(3.1.58). Having tried to get Tybalt to not fight him, Romeo states that they should instead love, instead of hate and fight. Although, this does not really help his situation that he’s stuck in. Unknowing to him, he had caused the doom of his own best friend and didn’t really think of the way something could go wrong if it didn’t involve himself. If Romeo had only just gone along

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