Romeo And Juliet Hero's Journey

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Do you know who the wimpiest hero is? No, it is not Aquaman or Spiderman, it is Romeo. Romeo is fifteen, lives in Verona, Italy and is always melancholy. Romeo is looking for love, but can never find it. Romeo is of the house of the Montagues and is the son of the ruler of the house, Old Montague. Romeo does not look like a hero or act like one, but he follows the hero’s journey. The three stages that Romeo follow os the hero’s journey are the separation, initiation, and the return. Romeo follows the first the stage of the hero’s journey: the separation. When Romeo receives his call of adventure it came in the form of a bet that Romeo made between himself and his cousin Benvolio. While they are walking a servant comes to them for help to …show more content…

Romeo stands in the orchard he listens to Juliet talk about him. When Romeo hears enough he lets Juliet know that he is there. While they interact with conversation Juliet asks when will they wed. Romeo decides that it will be later that afternoon, but this is happening just hours of their first meeting. An hour after they wed Romeo is challenged by Tybalt to a duel, but Romeo is the only one who knows that they are cousins. Mercutio seeing this takes Tybalt’s challenge and Romeo, being the pacifist, tries to break up the fight. While Romeo tries to hold down Mercutio Tybalt accidentally lands a fatal on Mercutio blow under Romeo's arm. Romeo with anger taking control over his conscience kills Tybalt and is banished. Romeo flees to Friar Lawrence's cell to hide while this happens the nurse sets out to seek Romeo so he can consummate the marriage. After Romeo has consummated the marriage he must flee to Mantua. This act of leaving is required for our hero to …show more content…

While Romeo flees to Mantua Juliet is forced to marry Paris. With desperation Juliet goes to Friar Lawrence to create a plan to stop the marriage. Friar Lawrence comes up with a plan that Juliet will take a potion that will make Juliet appear to be dead and then she is to be buried in the Capulet tomb. While this happens Friar Lawrence will send Friar John, with a letter with all the information, to Romeo in Mantua. The plan is then set in place, but something goes terribly wrong. Friar John never makes it to Romeo, but Romeo has received false information that Juliet is actually dead. Romeo struck with grief he decides that life is not worth living without his Juliet. Romeo returns to Mantua to lie with his wife, but runs into Paris. Pairs tries to arrest Romeo, so Romeo just kills him. After slaying Paris Romeo enters the Capulet tomb, kisses his wife then he takes his life. Juliet wakes up just after Romeo has killed himself and the law is coming so she has to think fast. Under the pressure Juliet uses Romeo's knife to end her life. When the law shows up they send for the rulers of the house of the Montagues and the Capulets. After they have seen the sight of their dead children they end the feud giving the hero his ultimate

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