Romeo And Juliet Foil Essay

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One guaranteed part of life is the necessity to make important decisions. These can come in many forms, such as where to live or how to successfully make a living. However, often times these choices require more than just the brain, because they deal with matters of the heart. A person’s idea of love can alter their choices in life, and consequently the tragic tale of the life of two star-crossed lovers can be looked to in order to see this affect. Within his play, The Tragedy of Romeo and Juliet, William Shakespeare presents the story of how Romeo and Juliet fall in love with the only thing standing between them and happiness being their families. In the city of Verona, the two houses of Capulet and Montague remain in a place of hate and grudges …show more content…

He is often used as comic relief by bringing up sexually based jokes and making fun of the love that Romeo feels, and Mercutio’s personality and take on ideas such as romance highly differ from Romeo. This makes him a foil that Shakespeare uses to bring out how Romeo changed his loyalties. When Mercutio and Benvolio are searching for the Montague, he calls out, “Nay, I’ll conjure too. Romeo! Humors! Madman! Passion! Lover! Appear thou in the likeness of a sigh; speak but one rhyme, and I am satisfied! Cry but ‘Ay me!’ pronounce but ‘love’ and ‘dove’” (2.1.7-10). A strong contrast is made in the play between the two friends because of Mercutio’s taunting of how Romeo is often swayed by his feelings and is a romanticist. This literary device helps to display how Romeo ended up changing his loyalties from his family to Juliet and by extension, all of the Capulets. Because of Mercutio, this difference is highlighted and helps the reader to see that Romeo’s affiliation changed from what he was brought up to be to because of his view on love. While Mercutio ended up being more static, Shakespeare’s foil emphasizes the fact that Romeo ended up dying for his love. He also demonstrates this concept through familial …show more content…

Before meeting each other, Romeo had fallen deep in love with Rosaline, and he was heartbroken when she chose to remain a virgin for her life. Because of this, he chose to try and fall in love with another woman. As a result met Juliet and once more fell head over heels. However, his love for Juliet was different, because while before he would give up, Romeo not only was banished, but he risked his life trying to get to his wife. As soon as he heard the news of Juliet’s death, he ordered Balthasar to, “hire posthorses. I will hence tonight” (5.1.26). He risked his life by returning to Verona, and this shows how his character grew because of his love for Juliet. She, on the other hand, had to face her marriage to Paris when Romeo is banished. She receives a potion from Friar Laurence, and despite all of her fears, drinks it because, “love give[s] me strength! and strength shall help afford” (4.1.125). Before meeting Romeo, Juliet was content with marrying Paris, and she tended to be docile when it came to her parents’ wishes. However, her love changed her loyalty. By the end of the text, Juliet believed more in her own conviction, and she put her loyalty first to herself and her husband before her family. While this characterizes the lovers as dynamic and changing, it’s their choices on both parts that ended up hurting so many others. Due to Romeo’s banishment, Lady Montague

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