Romanian Government

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Introduction This report targets the Romanian Government and it examines the positive and negative aspects of the free admission to museums policy which is considered to be implemented in this country. The main focus of this report is on how an increase in the demand for museum tickets will boost the economy of Romania, by allowing people to visit museums for free. Throughout the report, other examples of other countries such as the United Kingdom and Sweden will be used in order to explain how free admission to museums will have a positive impact on Romania as well. Economic functioning of the museum market, museum visitor statistics and demographic pattern for museum visits A very important factor in the market is the price mechanism: affects both demand (people will want to take advantage of the merit goods – the museums), and supply (depending on the entrance fee or free admission, some museums could last longer or not at all on the market.) The public is easily attracted by incentives such as discounts for students and children and free admission for elders and the disabled. Incentives generate more visitor numbers. However, current demand for tickets is low compared to the optimum quantity, although the museums’ heritage and their tradition are considered to be of great value. The shortage in demand is mainly due to lower-class citizens’ incomes. One notable aspect in the Romanian museum market is that, whilst the number of museum visits recorded a significant decrease (12 million visitors to 9.5 from 2007 to 2011), the number of museums has increased from 679 to 709 (Pârvulescu 2013), according to Mediafax . The museum market equilibrium was affected due to a drastic decrease in demand, although supply increased by 30 un... ... middle of paper ... ...t accessed 4th Nov 2013. Nasui, C. (2013). TOPUL celor mai vizitate muzee din România. Available: Last accessed 4th Nov 2013. Pârvulescu, D. (2013). Deşi numărul muzeelor din România creşte, ele sunt vizitate de tot mai puţini oameni. Available: Last accessed 4th Nov 2013. Sillito, D. (2011). Free museums: Visits more than double. Available: Last accessed 4th Nov 2013. Sloman, J; Jones, E (2005). Economics and the Business Environment. 3rd ed.: Pearson Education Limited. 35, 48, 53. Youngs, I. (2011). Museums enjoy 10 years of freedom. Available: Last accessed 4th Nov 2013.

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