Role Of Family As An Agent Of Socialization

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Socialization is a process of learning through which we gain knowledge or skills and received information. This process starts briefly after birth. Socialization is a concept as well which enclose the ways people obtain the competencies to need for the participation in the society. Early childhood is the era of the most strained and most transverse socialization. Socialization is so basic to human development that we formerly examine its importance. Socialization impute as the personal or individual level it is the development of emotional, mental and behavioral strength and quality of individuals including mental and physical power.
Every society tries to make the children learn to become an accountable and …show more content…

The most basic agent of socialization is family. It is the first and most influence on the individuals. It is within the family that the first socializing occurs. Families teach the child the language of their group acceptable gender role and important values.
Family based socialization is not all intentional. Children learn continuously from the kind of environment that adults weather children learn to think of themselves as strong and weak, smart or stupid, loved or simply tolerated and weather they believe the world to be trust worthy or dangerous largely stem from their early environment.
He family also confers on children a social position that is parents not only bring children into physical world, they also place them in a society in term if race, ethically, religion and class. In time all these elements become part of child’s self concept. Of course some aspect of social position may change letter on but social standings at birth effect is through all over lives. …show more content…

What people think about controversial issues is important but not everyone’s views are equally influential. Better educated, wealthier and well connected people’s view often carries more clout. This agent influences appropriate gender role notions of right and wrong and belief about controversial topics such as abortion or gay marriages.

Religion is important and relevant for some people but in the modern world, religion is losing some of its power and influence for those that follow religious tents, the norms influence people’s values, the desired size of families the like hood of divorce, rates of delinquency, and behavior considered appropriate( or not).

The workplace teaches us appropriate values, work ethic, and appropriate attire. In modern societies, full-time employment confirms adult status and awards us a personal identity. In a culture that has few rites of passage, that is important. THE STATE:
Increasingly agencies like nursing homes, mental health clinics, and insurance companies have taken over functions previously filled by families. The state runs many of these institutions or licenses and regulates

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