Rise Of China Essay

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The Rise of China Today China is widely notorious for its large dominance in world affairs regarding trade and wealth however china was not always one of the economic superpowers of the world, china like many other parts of the east had not had their industrial revolutions as early as western countries such as Britain and could easily be described as being primitive following 2000 years of imperial dynasties. The pressing issue that the UK government will have to face is what we to do with such an ominous player in world affairs, without a clear idea on what to do upon China’s most recent rise to power the government may just be buying a ticket to watch china steal the show in economic, military and political matters. ECONOMICS The success in china’s development can be known through the use of the tactic peaceful development widely endorsed by General Secretary Xi Jinping and thanks to this Nowadays, China is the world’s second largest economy, and the country with the largest foreign exchange reserves. And is also China is the largest trading partner of 128 countries. Proof of this substantial amount of economic growth china has also become a major consumer electricity calling for the building of thousands of extra power stations to provide electricity for new factories and the vast city growth. Due to a rush in the 1990s, because of the mass privatisations going on in china, and the opening up of the country to foreign investment. Many overseas companies chose to migrate shop to china as the substantially lower labour costs provided means for worldwide usage. By using this sudden boom in Chinese labour china has risen to become the largest industrialized nation and the largest exporting country at present in particular its ... ... middle of paper ... ...his should be brought up at the next meeting or summit. Overall china has undergone rapid growth however its presence is not as threatening as one would think I advise you to wait it out and let China’s economy naturally run its course as it is facing slower growth, as for China’s military it is powerful however it will probably be a while before it has the power to overpower the US and all its allies military power so there is no need for worry of china attacking and lastly China’s presence in politics is not unknown however China’s strong ties to the un come as a benefit with the vast amount of funding that the country brings. At best all the government can hope for is to try and build ties with china rather than trying to perceive her as a threat as the west needs Chinas support in matters regarding Russia and incidents like this if they occur in the future.

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