Essay On The Rise Of China

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The rise of China and whether it is a threat to Asian stability When you read about China's development over the past 30 years and its statistics that impress by constantly increasing trends or the huge numbers that describe the vastness of China, the natural tendency is to give China a rightful place and status as a global superpower. For economists, politicians, military strategists and even the simple citizens this is a rare chance to see the rise of a superpower and to experience in real time all the effects of such global developments. The main catalyst for the rise of new powers, especially China, is the globalization process which began two decades ago by Western powers; and as we all know there are advantages and disadvantages of the globalization. Thus, reality forces us to think more and more in a comprehensive manner and to analyze the effects of globalization, especially for positioning each country and especially in defining future development policies. This paper aims to focus on the effect of the rise of China within the context of its neighbor states, to asses that China is not a threat to Asian stability and also, to highlight some of the challenges of China's ascension to what might be called a relatively foreseeable future. For the purpose of this analysis, the paper is structured into two parts. The first part is a more in depth analysis of China’s economy, followed by the second part in the form of a summary of China’s military power and foreign relations. Both parts intend to discuss China's regional rise from the perspective of: economy, military power and foreign relations. In the first part, we are going to take a closer look at China’s economy by analyzing its external trade relations within the region... ... middle of paper ... ...tal and to resume the economic connections with the outside world. (Roberto Ignacio Diaz, 2014) 3). Closer Economic Ties … Shortly after the Chinese economic reform, Hong Kong’s role as the international bridge to China has intensified. However the impact of the economic reforms implemented by China was positive for Hong Kong. (Roberto Ignacio Diaz, 2014) “In summary, each of these two Chinese special administrative regions offers its own strong link to China, and each of the regions can boast its unique contribution to the larger bridge between China and the rest of the world.” (Roberto Ignacio Diaz, 2014) In the second part, we are going to briefly look at China’s military power and foreign relations by analyzing few key points such as: the String of Pearls (China), Six Party Talks, Domino theory, the five principles and also talk about the territorial disputes.

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