Addressing Global Food Scarcity: The Rice Production Dilemma

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Situational Analysis The growing population worldwide posts many issues, problems and challenges. One of the problems that the society is facing is the unavailability of food supply. Rice being the staple food served on the table of Asian and other people is already scare that sometimes, other people may not eat rice anymore due to its high cost and the production of this commodity is declining. It is a must to implement or adopt better strategies to increase the production of rice if not, many people will be suffering from starvation. Constraints in the production of this commodity may be due to limited land, and unsustainable farming system. Some of the effects of unsustainable farming results to the decreasing quality of soil and pest outbreaks. Asio et al. (2009) added also that the status of soil resources worldwide degrades at an exceptional rate brought about by various activities of humans. Thus, it is the making of humans why such problem is …show more content…

In 1992 rice is also distributed in other countries. During that year the country has a total population of 65.34 million and rice utilization per capita of 87.13 kilograms per capita per year or 238.71 grams per capita per day is about 5.7 million metric tons of rice. Farmers are producing about 5.97 million metric tons, while 35, 101 metric tons are exported (Virola, 2011). Today, as Suministrado (n.d.) mentioned, only 18 million tons of rice are produced in the year 2013 and the country is already a net rice importer. Hindrances to this are higher cost of farm inputs, greater incidence of pests and diseases, environmental problems and the lack of access to farming technologies. Moreover, Briones (n.d.) added that there is intense competition in the World market, especially now that there is a free exchange of commodities in the ASEAN

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