Rhetorical Analysis On The Icebreaker

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The Icebreaker: A conversation starter “For 50 years, World Wildlife Fund(WWF) has been protecting the future of nature.” The WWF has a mission to affect local and global forests, bodies of water, wildlife, food, and climates. This company has many types of advertising techniques ranging from using fear to strike change in the hearts of the audience or maybe they will exhibit signs of sensitivity or a strong emotional appeal to make the viewer feel sympathy and comfort. The main message that the marketers are trying to spread, is that anyone can make a difference if they know what changes are needed to be made. WWF tries to reach an individual that is motivated, has strong values and beliefs, and accepts that we need to leave this earth …show more content…

In the 2004 advertisement from WWF, we the audience are shown an image of a melting planet Earth as it sits on top of an ice cream cone. This message being displayed is that we are slowly losing the earth, and if we do not make a change now it will be too late. The propaganda technique being used in this advertisement is obtain disapproval, defined by the 1979 United States Army Manual as “ Getting the audience to disapprove of an action or idea by suggesting the idea is popular with groups hated, feared or held in contempt by the target audience.” The idea of the Earth, our home, just slipping out of our grasp so easily shows the target audience that this is not a joke and that we should be alert and willing to sacrifice and contribute. This advertisement is mainly fear driven, but I also believe that it motivates citizens to not only learn, but to inform others as well. The technique being used in this advertisement is very blatant and obvious. In a small text box on the bottom, states a brief statement of what the advertisement intended, but it also says “nothing and no-one will be spared from climate change.” This sentence shows that this is a very sensitive and urgent matter that needs to be expressed and the best way to gain attention is by manipulating and using

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