Rhetorical Analysis Of The Flight From Conversation

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Sherry Turkle’s article in The New York Times “The Flight From Conversation”, she disputes that we need to put down the technology and rehabilitate our ability to converse with other human beings because we are replacing deep relationships with actual people for casual encounters on technology. Turkle tries to convince young and middle age individuals who are so enthralled by the technology that they are losing the ability to communicate in a public setting. Sherry Turkle unsuccessfully persuades her audience to put down the technology and engage with others in public through her strong logos appeal that overpowers her weak logos and doesn’t reliably represent herself and her research. Turkle lacks any success in her rhetorical appeal to ethos …show more content…

Turkle throughout her papers has a claim and reasons that support her claims, but her backing and warrants are non-existent, which leads to the emotional rants that make up the article. The audience in general isn’t moved to think her way when all they get from her paper is the rant with nothing to strengthen her points. She also doesn’t give the other side of the argument a chance and continues to bash it without letting it have its fair chance. One of the many examples of her rant structured arguments is “Texting and e-mail and posting let us present the self we want to be… not too little- just right.” (Turkle). This argument wants people to see how much we can change from who we really are in real life to how we perceive ourselves over the internet. It doesn’t have a backing or any other supporting methods just a claim and a lot of emotion that she hopes will convince you of her main argument. With this Turkle hopes that the audience will be swayed without any effort put into the argument. Instead of being moved to think the way Turkle does, the audience members question the validity of any of her claims due to the fact they are emotionally heavy and do not provide any substance to truly back up her main point in the

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