Rethink Robotics: The Future Of Robots

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The ability to automate certain routine tasks in the workplace through robotics was introduced in 1961. At that time, computation and hardware were still very expensive and a machine doing a person’s work was science fiction. Technology is now in another era and low cost systems can sense 3D images, produce 3D models, and can work with surgical precision that far surpasses human capabilities.

Technology can now build robots that interact with people and perform routine workplace tasks. Modern robots can even adapt to behavioral tasks. According to Rodney Brooks, Co-Founder and President of Rethink Robotics, these technologies will reshape low skill and dangerous tasks throughout the workforce over the next 10 to 15 years. Mr. Brooks was interviewed by McKinsey Global Institute Partner, Michael Chui, in a recent publication.

Robotics Today

You will now find robotics in many areas from surgery and medical devices to routine manufacturing tasks. Most industrial robots today are programmed to follow a trajectory, a simple path quickly and accurately. Tomorrow’s robotics will ha...

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