Retaining Employees in an Organization

1981 Words4 Pages

In the course of their existence all people have experiences and respond to the roots and traditions of their culture, spirituality and the social, political and economic conditions in which they find themselves1. Shift from one organization to another is also a type of response.
Employee retention is a process in which the employees are encouraged to remain with the organization for the maximum period of time. Retention of human resource is beneficial for the organization as well as for the individual too. Materialistic era and utility theory are responsible for changing of jobs. Corporate are facing problems in employee retention. Hiring calibre people to the organization is the perpetual need of organizations, but retention also is equally important rather more important than hiring. There is no dearth of opportunities for talent and potential, there are many organizations which are looking for the employees of same sector, who are not satisfied with their existing workplace. High rate of employee turnover is a warning to the management that something is wrong in the policies of the organization. Socially and ethically it is justified for the organizations to intervene into the reasons of employee switchover and try to retain its employees because of several reasons.
Employees leave the workplace for professional development or due to some personal issues and sometimes even for the sake of change. In each situation the reasons need to be noticed, to be taken care of and organization needs to take it as a social and ethical responsibility to retain the employees. In due course of time it is likely to get adaptable to the working conditions of organization, people feel comfort zone in the area and they get used to the setup of th...

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...ilosophy of life and evolved your own art of living. All this you must apply to the present situation and out of it will arise a new creation and not a mere repetition, or a creation which the soul of your people will own for itself and proudly offer to the world as its tribute to the welfare of man”3.

1. Adolfo Perez Esquivel, Opening the Doors of Hope in New Millennium , Editor T.D.Singh, Science & Spirituality for World Peace, Delhi Peace Summit & Bhaktivedanta Institute , Kolkata.
2. Non Verbal Communication, Edited. Robert A. Hinde, Cambridge University Press, 1972.
3. Tagore Rabindranath, Omnibus III, Rupa & Company, New Delhi, 2005.
4. Joseph P T,SJ, EQ & Leadership, Tata McGraw Hill, New Delhi, 2007
5. Karla Brandau, Retention Leadership
6. Paul R. Bernthal, Richard S. Wellins, Retaining Talent: A Benchmark Study
7. www.retention

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