Resurrection Research Paper Outline

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The epicenter of this passage is rooted on the discovering of the power of the resurrection, in which will transform any person’s meaningless, defeated, powerless, joyless, hopeless, useless, and purposeless life into a meaningful, victorious, powerful, joy filled, hopeful, useful, purposeful, and a mission life.
Introduction –
A. Crucifixion, death, and resurrection.
Context –
A. Historical-cultural account: author, date, provenance, destination, purpose.
B. Literary context: Discovering the power of the resurrection from despair, loneliness, hopelessness, and purposeless life into a powerful, joyful, hopeful, purposeful, and mission life.
Content –
A. Walking to Emmaus. The power of the resurrection manifested in the lives of two disciples. (v13-18)
B. Jesus Challenges faulty suppositions – (v19-24)
C. Jesus Rectifies partial information – (v25-29)
D. Jesus Transforms erroneous understanding into a powerful and purposeful life – (v30-35)
Application – Conclusion
There is disagreement among many people, scholars, denominations, and religions regarding the indisputable ancient historical fact, based on testimonies and eye witnesses, of this present reality of Jesus Christ resurrection as the cornerstone of Christianity. However, this cannot be explicable by any natural law, but will challenge faulty suppositions, will rectify partial information, and will transform erroneous understanding in order to redeemed all those who would believe Jesus Christ …show more content…

Luke, when, he recorded this “profound supernatural event” of Jesus Christ resurrection in Chapter 24: 13-35 of his Gospel. Dr. Luke portrays an indisputable truth, that Jesus Christ rise from the dead. This indisputable truth cannot be denied by neither science, archeologist, physics, technology, atheist, nor secular humanism. Furthermore, this supernatural event is closely related to the gospel and is part of

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